Friday, October 31, 2008
More on the devilish racist pan-Arabism (in books)
The Middle East - Page 89
by Library Information and Research Service - Middle East - 1999
After Sayyid Jamal, in Arabic countries and especially in Egypt, many
individuals were found who, by leaning on racism, Arabism and pan-Arabism, ...
A New Road for France - Page 30
by Jacques Soustelle, Benjamin Protter - Political Science -
1965 - 278 pages
Israel and French Algeria were... two barriers against which the totalitarian wave.. embodied by Nasser... a dictatorial pseudo-state type was created in Algeria, firmly tied to a single party, dominated by
the racist ideology of a Nasser-type pan-Arabism and by the revolutionary fanaticism of the Ulemas...algeria engaged itself in this fundamental domain on the road traced by Nasser's Pan-Arabism and that the Christian and Jewish minority has been victim of a new discrimination ...the enlightened spokesmen of human fraternity and peace are
symbolized by Gamal Abdel-Nasser, who assiduously prepares, with the Nazis around him, the revenge of Himmler and Eichmann against Israel.
Violence, Political Culture & Development in Africa - Page 98
by Preben Kaarsholm - Social Science - 2006 - 208 pages
... and the racist ideology of 'Arabism' aligned with Islam that a succession of governments in Khartoum had adopted in fighting the wars in the South. ...
Rethinking Nationalism in the Arab Middle
East - Page 213
by James P. Jankowski, I. Gershoni - History - 1997 - 372
... of the Algerian Front Islamique du Salut (FIS) uses the 1967
defeat as proof that Arabism, being a form of racism, cannot elicit a sense
of community ...
African Politics - Page 84
by P. F. Gonidec - Political Science - 1980 - 367 pages
In the beginning, under the umbrella of Islamism and
subsequently of Arabism,
... This is the 'anti-racist racism' of JP Sartre, who has
very well analysed ...
Racism, Culture, Markets - Page 139
by John Gabriel - Social Science - 1994 - 212 pages
without parallel economic growth... inevitably delivers a
population into some kind of ism, whether it be communism,
fascism or pan Arabism, and weans them away from democracy
Ideology and International Relations in the Modern World - Page
by Alan Cassels - Political Science - 1996 - 302 pages
With the exception of Zionism (hardly a Third-World
phenomenon), all the ideologies just discussed - pan-Islam, pan-Arabism and
other anti-Western ...stimulated by some degree of racial 'anti-white' sentiment
Labels: Arabism, pan Arabism
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Serial bombs kill at least 65 in India’s Assam
Daily Times, Pakistan -Oct 30, 2008
NEW DELHI: Eighteen bombs exploding in quick succession ripped through the capital of India’s troubled northeastern Assam state and three other towns on ...
Scores killed as bomb blasts rip through Assam
Bombs kill 65 in India’s Assam state Daily Nation
Indian bomb blasts kill 62, wound 300 CNN International
Labels: Bombing, India, war on terror
5 Suicide Bomb Attacks Hit Somalia
Published: October 29, 2008
MOGADISHU, Somalia — Five suicide car bombers attacked government and United Nations sites in northern Somalia on Wednesday, killing at least 21 people. The attacks shattered the rare sense of calm that had existed in a few corners of the country.
Muslim cleric detained over Somalia suicide bombs TopNews
5 suicide car bombs hit Somalia The Witness
Somali Region of Puntland Makes Arrests After Suicide Bombings Bloomberg
Labels: Bombing, Somalia, war on terror
UK:Worries That the London Olympics Might Offend Muslims (Eurabia)
rightsidenews ^
UK:Worries That the London Olympics Might Offend Muslims Oct. 29Th 2008 By Christopher Logan Over the years the United Kingdom has made a habit of catering to Muslims more than any other group of people in the UK. Some extraordinary examples of this are giving Muslims special housing with toilets that face away from Mecca and kitchens that are specially designed for halal cuisine . The UK has refurbished prisons by making sure that the toilets do not face Mecca.
More and more public schools there are only serving halal meat with no concern for the beliefs of the non-Muslims who attend the school .
Islam in Action is a site dedicated to exposing the world wide issue of Islamofascism. The owner of this site is not calling for any violence or harassment ...
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Labels: Eurabia, Islamization
[Pan-Arabism = tyranny - racism] Eritrea Slams... IGAD as Tool of Anti-African Policies
Oct 28, 2008
IGAD member states include a bunch of derelict or failed states that consist in the epitome of malfunction, ferocity and malignancy. With Eritrea having wisely suspended its participation in this nest of snakes in 2007, IGAD represents the illegal interests of the undemocratic and terrorist governments of Abyssinia, Sudan, Djibouti, Somalia, Kenya and Uganda. The six (6) countries´ names are the most loathed (by the inhabitants of the respective countries) country names throughout the globe.
In fact, Abyssinia, Sudan, Djibouti, Somalia, Kenya and Uganda represent today some of the world´s most appalling tyrannies. ...
Sudan is a monumental tragedy of the colonial times; following the English 19th century colonization for which the docile and subservient pseudo-viceroys of Egypt have been used, the diffusion of Pan-Arabism and Islamic extremism in Sudan triggered identity confusion, complete national disorientation, ethnic division, and cultural divide. The end result was a fake state disconnected from its historical identity, indifferent for its past, and oblivious of its own name.
Labels: Africa, Arabism, pan Arabism, Sudan
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Bazooka or Burka & fear of criticizing Islamofascism oppression — Many people are scared to criticise the worst excesses of Islamofascism while being hysterically sensitive to the perceived wrongs of our own culture, especially when it comes to the oppression of females.
Technorati - Freedom 911 Al Qaida Al Qaeda Al Qaida Bin Laden Islamofascism Islam Apes and pigs Terrorism Terrorist oganization Hamas 'palestinians' Al Aqsa Alaqsa Muslims Christians Jews Honor killing Stoning Oppression Saudi Arabia Arabs bombing Infidels Israel US Security Iraq Iran Jihad West Islam Islamofascism Women
Labels: Appeasement, islamofascism, Oppression, Women
PODCAST: The Pax Islamica: Totalitarianism, Islamism and ‘Islamo-fascism’
PODCAST: The Pax Islamica: Totalitarianism, Islamism and ‘Islamo-fascism’
In this frank and relevant interview, Matthew Feldman, one of the editors of the Political Religions section of Religion Compass talks with Ana Belén Soage, of the University of Granada. They candidly discuss the nature of contemporary and modern politicised Islam.
Soage argues that the so-called ‘moderate’ forms of politicised Islam differ from the more radical forms (epitomised by groups like Al Qaeda) in degree only, not in kind. Any form of Islamist movement, she argues, necessarily requires the formation of a ‘Pax Islamica’; an essentially totalitarian aim. Islamist movements are therefore inimical to democracy as commonly understood. She also sketches out a surprising profile of her typical Islamist, and explains why the term ‘Islamo-fascism’ is so offensive to ordinary Muslims.
Click here to Listen to the podcast
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Tags: religion, religious studies, Islam, Egypt, jihadi, Muslim Brotherhood, Hassan al-Banna, Podcast, political Islam, Faith, fundamentalism, news, Radical, revolutionary, al-Qaeda, Jihad, Pax Islamica, Islamism, reactionary, Hammas, armed struggle, Islamofascism,Hamas,democracy, political religions, Mathew Feldman, Ana Belén Soage, University of Granada, fascism, totalitarianism, Islamo-fascism, ideology, Maronites
Labels: Islamism, islamofascism, Moderate Muslims
Friday, October 24, 2008
Bali Jihad bomber to finally get his SEX in Islamic XXX Rated Paradise
Shoot the bombers, and soon By Mike O'Connor October 05, 2008 11:00pm WHILE large numbers of Australians are mourning the diminution of their superannuation savings, next Sunday some of their number will feel the pain of a much greater loss. On that day, six years will have passed since the Sari Club in Bali's Kuta Beach was turned into a killing ground by militant Islamic bombers who murdered 202 people, 88 of whom were Australians. with Ramadan now over, the bombers have launched another line of appeal, once more showing a reluctance to pass into Paradise, where, according to their beliefs, legions of nubile virgins await to indulge their every desire...,23739,24449299-27197,00.html
Indonesia says to execute Bali bombers Reuters JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia will execute the Bali bombers on death row in early November, the spokesman of the Indonesian attorney general’s office said on Friday.
Bali bombers to be shot dead after losing court appeal to be …21 Oct 2008 … Militants to build shrine to Bali bombers … Hope they attain their goal of: wine, 72 virgins and a bunch of pretty boys in “paradise”.
Tags: 2002, 72 virgins, Bali bombing, Indonesia, Islam, Islamofascism, Jihad, Muslims, religion, war on terror
Labels: 72 Virgins, Bali bombing, Indonesia
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Arab scholar: "torture is a way of life" in the Middle East , Bradley: since 1952, Egypt has brtually occupied its people by its military
"'Inside Egypt is an original, angry, brilliant, subtle, and highly readable expose of contemporary Egyptian politics and society.' - Peter Bergen, author of Holy War Inc. and The Osama bin Laden I Know 'A highly informed, temperate, and understanding account of a country that is an enigma.' - The New York Times 'Contributes substantially to the debate.' - Los Angeles Times 'A thoughtful, incisive portrait of a fractured nation...a remarkable volume.' - Newsweek"
Journalist Bradley (Saudi Arabia Exposed, 2005) trains a sharp reportorial eye on the nearly failed nation-state in the cross hairs of world conflict.The author doesn't dwell too long on Egypt's storied past. Instead, he gives a blistering overview of what it's like to live today in this autocratic, hopelessly corrupt society. The Egypt he depicts is a place where anyone can be jailed or tortured at any time for no reason, where Islamic fundamentalism is slowly gaining a foothold among people formerly proud of their diverse heritage, where in some places the only viable form of employment for young men is prostitution, both gay and straight. Bradley also examines why the United States spends $2 billion per year propping up President Hosni Mubarak ("the third-longest-ruling Egyptian leader in the past four thousand years"), despite his crackdowns on anything approaching democracy and his blatant favoring of anything that will bring in more tourist dollars over the best interests of the Egyptian populace. Mubarak is able to gin up American interest, the author notes, by playing up the threat of the Muslim Brotherhood, a nominally political organization that provides social services far more efficiently than the government does and wants to reinstate the Caliphate. Needless to say, Bradley isn't hopeful about the future, fearing that an Iranian-style theocracy is in the cards for a once-proud nation whose pedigree dates back more than 5,000 years.Unlikely to win the author any friends among the Egyptian political elite, but terrifically well told and extremely sobering. (Kirkus Reviews)
Library Journal "A devastating critique of Egypt's current dictatorial government."
[By an Arab scholar:] "torture is a way of life" in the Middle East (p. 144)
In Inside Egypt, I argue that the country has effectively been occupied since 1952 by the military. The military have created a system of oppression that has only one goal: perpetuating their own rule and increasing their own wealth and privilege. For this to happen, the Egyptian people must be cowed into subservience through systematic torture and other crude forms of intimidation.
Technorati - "Moderates" War on terror Terror victims 'palestinian' propaganda jihad Genocide bombing Anti Israel bias Arab racism Anti Israel racism Islamofacsism Conflict Israel "Palestine" "Palestinians" Israelis Good VS evil Israel "Palestine" 101 Jewish refugees Moderates Islam Radical Islam Militants Arab occupation PLO Arab Muslims Indoctrination Arab hatred Muslim hatred 'Palestinian' hatred Indoctrination 'Palestinian' Child abuse Death cult 'Palestinian' human shields 'Palestinian' human bombs Arab oil lobby Arab oil mafia Islamic Aparthied Ethnic cleansing Hebron massacre Arab atrocities Damour massacre Hebron massacre Politically correct Hebron massacre "Palestinian" propaganda Arab propaganda Arafat Al Aqsa Al Aqsa martyrs brigade Fatah Hamas Arab racism mufti Islamic Jihad Jerusalem Jihad Holyland Netanya bombing Jerusalem bombing Passover massacre Jerusalem massacre Death cult Israeli democracy Jenin hoax Abu Abbas IDF IDF Moral Achila lauro Arafat Black September Damour Arafat Yasser Arafat IDF Humanitarian IDF Moral Israel humanitarianMunich 1972 Gaza beach hoax Gaza Self defense Security Human shields Wall Fence Arabism Civil war Info 'Palestinian' Drama Language Christians Book stores Christians Egypt Copts Islamic Apartheid oppression occupation torture Islamic torture Pallywood
Labels: Egypt, Islamic Torture, middle east
Fitzgerald: Arab racism & Black Muslims
October 23, 2008
Fitzgerald: Arab racism and black Muslims
You can find online complaints about Arab racism from black Muslims (or Black Muslims, that is members of the Nation of Islam, who are not considered real Muslims by the Arabs) in this country. Despite the universalist claims made for Islam, it is, and has always been, a vehicle for Arab supremacism. The reasons are not hard to find. As Anwar Shaikh (an ex-Muslim who was born in Pakistan and died in Wales in 2006) noted in his book Islam, The Arab National Religion, the Arabs consider themselves to be superior to other Muslims because they "received" the message from Allah. It was given to them and was in their language. Non-Arab Muslims are supposed to read the Qur'an, or listen to its recital, only in Arabic. Any other version, in any other language, is not the same thing.
Compare this to the missionaries for Christianity, who in some cases became extraordinary linguists in order to study native languages and dialects and translate the Bible into them. And they did this for languages that in many cases had never had a written form -- thereby helping to preserve the language for use, and for study.
And when a Muslim prays, wherever in the world he may be, he is directed to pray -- it is a matter of fantastic importance -- toward Mecca, toward the Hejaz, toward Arabia, the center of his being.
And the Sunnah, one should not forget, is at least as important as the Qur'an. Some Arabs even say that it is possible to imagine a guide to life with the Sunnah alone, but not with the Qur'an alone. Both matter. And what is the Sunnah? It consists of "practice" -- the customs and manners of the early Arabs, that is, of Muhammad and His Companions, that serve to gloss the Qur'an. And the Sunnah is derived from two texts -- the Hadith, the written record of the sayings and acts of Muhammad, and the Sira, the biography of Muhammad, the first version of which appeared a century-and-a-half after the historical (if he was historical) Muhammad's death. What matters is not what parts of the Sira were imagined or which Hadith were made up, and by what means, but which parts Muslims take to be the genuine details of the life of Muhammad, and what Hadith they believe to be the most "authentic" in the compilations of the most "authoritative" -- by their lights -- muhaddithin.
As Anwar Shaikh notes, the Arabs of Arabia needed their own "religion" to compete with, but not to be completely unlike, the earlier-in-time monotheisms of the lands they first conquered. These lands were inhabited by Christians and Jews. The Jews were not confined to the Land of Israel, but were to be found living, and for a long time, in many parts of the Middle East. They were living in Iran and present-day Iraq, and of course in Arabia itself -- for how else could they keep being encountered by Muhammad, in Mecca, Medina (Yathrib), the Khaybar Oasis? The Arab "religion" that they created is clearly the result of taking bits and pieces of pagan Arab pre-Islamic lore (the djinn, for example), mixed with misunderstood and misremembered bits of Judaism and Christianity.
This amalgam was presented to the conquered peoples, the Christians and Jews, as not the New and Improved Version of their faiths (as modern Western marketers might have done with a detergent), but rather as something else -- the True Version of Their Faith, which they had misunderstood and distorted or perverted. This made it less strange a faith, and those elements of pre-existing beliefs to be found within it, however jumbled, made it easier for Islam to insinuate itself into the minds of non-Muslims who often converted purely as a practical matter. They did so in order to join the side of the conquerors, to be free of the many disabilities that as non-Muslims they would have to endure (the three choices were: to be killed, to convert, or to endure forever the status of dhimmi, with all that that meant). How many Christians in America today, if they had, in perpetuity, to pay $50,000 per head to remain Christians, would do so? For how many would there be a falling off, and how many each year?
Islam has been a destroyer of other cultures and other languages. In a world that worships "diversity," the thrust of Islam has been to efface diversity. Languages other than Arabic have received no sympathetic study or attention by Arabs or Muslim missionaries -- the effort has been to efface the many languages and cultures that could once be found in the lands conquered. There are, here and there, pockets of Aramaic-speakers in some Syrian villages, a handful of Mandaeans and Yazidis (450 of whom were killed by Muslim bombs in the worst act of Muslim terror in Iraq). There are the Copts in Egypt, or what is left of them, they who once were virtually the entire population of Egypt. There are Assyrians and Chaldeans in Iraq, or what is left of them, they who were once...ditto. And so on.
The history of Arab oppression of blacks, whether those blacks became nominal Muslims or not, is too long. The history of Arab enslavement of blacks started far earlier, was much more devastating in its effects, and continued much later, than the Atlantic slave trade. A scholar has estimated that because Arabs specialized in seizing young black males for use in harems (contrary to the Western imagination, harems were not just for the rulers), and would castrate their hunted prey in situ in the jungle, the mortality rate among those then taken by slave coffle to the waiting boats that would take them to the slave markets of Islam reached 90%. See "The Hideous Trade" or google that title and "Jihad Watch" for more.
Slavery is legitimate in Islam. Muhammad had slaves. Muhammad is the Perfect Man. Seventh-century Arabia allowed slavery. Seventh-century Arabia provides the Sunnah, the customs and manners that are to be followed. The Arab slave trade went up and down East Africa, with the chief entrepot for the local trade in African blacks being the islands of Zanzibar and Pemba, held by the Arab rulers of Oman. The Arabs also went deep into Central Africa, and into West Africa too, while the European slave-traders never managed to penetrate the interior, preferring to remain on the coast of West Africa and having slaves delivered to them by local tribes.
Slavery was not abolished willingly by the Arabs. It was stamped out, rather, by Western powers. There is no Arab William Wilberforce. There never has been a declaration, by any Arab leader, or government, or theological institute, that slavery is always and everywhere morally wrong. And there cannot be such a declaration, because Muslims are hemmed in by the Example of Muhammad, uswa hasana, al-insan al-kamil, and the practice of the Sunnah. If the French ended Arab enslavement of blacks in much of North Africa, it was the British -- the Royal Navy -- that helped stamp out the slave trade that continued between Africa and Arabia. This tale is told most fully in J. B. Kelly's "Britain and the Persian Gulf, 1795-1880.” But the Arabs still managed, as the British presence on the seas diminished, to resurrect that slave trade, which continued into the 1960s.
In 1962, just before slavery was formally abolished -- because Saudi Arabia was not yet rich from oil revenues, it had to succumb to Western pressure -- 20% at least of the population consisted of black slaves. For more google “Arab slave trade in Africa,” or start here.
It is not surprising that in Dayton, a Muslim girl might have made up a story blaming black men. Nor is it surprising that the Arabs in this congregation want to move from a black neighborhood to a white one. Look at how unwelcome Arabs and Pakistanis have made black Muslims who wish to attend, in any numbers, the same mosques with them. Blacks are seen as fit fodder for conversion to Islam -- without really letting potential converts know much about Islam. The proselytizers hold back so much, until their targets are deeply committed and can't easily get out. They do this so as to swell Muslim ranks and perceived (and real) power, but are not so happy for the new converts to actually associate with Arabs and Pakistanis, who find such an association distasteful. Compare that with the welcoming practice of Christian churches, not least among those evangelicals who have become the butt of so much self-assured mockery.
Not only are most forms of art -- sculpture and most painting -- forbidden in Islam (look at any major museum at the "Islamic art" -- Arabic calligraphy on ceramic plates, and Qur'anic calligraphy on paper), but it is difficult to conduct science within a society suffused with Islam, that discourages every sign of free and skeptical inquiry about the most important thing -- Islam -- and hence about everything else as well).
And then there is music. There is no Muslim equivalent to the church music of Christianity. Music is forbidden (Black Muslims in America may at times ignore this ban -- one more sign of un-orthodoxy). Wherever strict Muslims are in power, they attempt to ban all kinds of music, the folk-music that naturally wells up, as it does in Afghanistan, because it responds to a universal need that the Shari'a laws do not allow to be met. The wedding-singers killed in Afghanistan, the gamelan players in Indonesia disparaged by local Muslims, the RAI singers (often Berbers) threatened or killed in Algeria -- all of these are signs and symbols of the Islamic hostility to music. This does not mean that there are not singers. No one denies that there is Arabic music -- that oud, those other exotic instruments, or even singers such as Umm Kalthum. But the role of music is much smaller, and it is despite Islam and its discouragement that music appears. The texts and the spirit of Islam, truly adhered to, would deny a role for music altogether. It distracts, you see: distracts from worship.
Sister Rosetta Tharpe begs to differ.
And in the earlier, pre-old-time-religion phase of her career, Rosetta Tharpe's performance begs to differ with, and demands to ignore, just as much as does her later work, the hostility to music that is inculcated by Islam. And her many admirers -- whose numbers may swell with the two examples of her art posted today -- will agree.
Technorati - Arab racism Arab supremacy Arabization Arabs slavery Freedom 911 Sudan Mauritania Chad Darfur Sudan genocide Al Qaeda Al Qaida Bin Laden Anti west Anti American Terrorist oganization 'palestinian' terrorism Suicide bombing Saddam Hussein Torture chambers WTC bombing Homicide bombing London bombing Bali bombing Muslim clerics Mullahs Islamic Hitler jihad Sudan genocide Islamic slavery Arab slaver masters Genocide bombing Anti Israel bias Arab racism Anti Israel racism Islamofacsism Conflict Israel Islamic Jihad Hamas "palestinian" Animalism "palestinian" cruelty "palestinian" Savagery "Palestine" "Palestinians" Israelis Jewish refugees Victims of terror Moderates Islam Radical Islam Militants Arab occupation Arab Muslims Indoctrination Arab hatred Muslim hatred Nubians Kurds Berbers Marsh Arabs Maronites Assyrians Arabism Racism Anti Israel Racism Ahwazi Azeris Balochis "palestinian" Racism Rape Jihad Israeli Arabs Race Clashes Akhdam "Abid" "Zurka" "Arabic" Horsemen Non Arabs
Labels: Arab racism, Arabism, blacks, noi
Criminal Hezbollah Islamic Terrorists and its drug trafficking in Colombia
Colombia smashes drug ring with Hezbollah ties Reuters South Africa, South Africa - 21 Oct 2008Among those arrested in Colombia were three people suspected of coordinating drug smuggling to send some of their profits to groups such as Hezbollah,
...Colombia drug sting nets 100 Independent OnlineColombia hails end of drugs ring BBC News Colombian cocaine ring linked to Hezbollah Los Angeles Times
Meet Noah, one of Lebanon's drug barons AFP - 4 Oct 2008 The Bekaa region for long has been reputed as a fertile ground for drugs and a bastion of the Shiite militant group Hezbollah, considered a terrorist ...
Ahmadinejad, Al Manar, Arab TV, Hezbollah, Iran, Iraq, Islamic terrorism, Israel, Jihad, Lebanon, Nasrallah, colombia, Sudan, Drugs, drugs Jihad, war on terror
Labels: drugs, Hezbollah, Jihad and drugs
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Aid Worker's Death Brutal Reminder of Jihadi Extremism
Aid Worker's Death Brutal Reminder of Jihadi Extremism
"We must remember
that these men have a ruthless plan for the world in the form of a theocratic
Islamic caliphate. In Taliban-ruled Afghanistan we saw a glimpse of their
utopia: women degraded, freedom denied and followers of other brands of Islam
exterminated." -- Faith J.H. McDonnell, Director of IRD's Religious Liberty
Tags: Caliphate, Islam, Islamofascism, radical Islam, World Domination
Labels: aid workers, Caliphate, Taliban
The Third Jihad is a documentary that alerts Americans to the danger radical Islam poses to the United States and to Western civilization as a whole.
"The Third Jihad" New Movie Exposes Danger of Radical Islam The upcoming documentary movie, "The Third Jihad", will be beginning its upcoming coast to coast limited theatrical release today. This is a movie you must see to appreciate the danger we face in America from radical Islam.
Tags: Caliphate, Islam, Islamofascism, Christians, Jews, obsession, Palestinians, Israel, Apartheid, Muslims, Islam, religion, “palestine”, terrorism, Islamic lobby, MPAC, “palestine”, Arabs, Islamic Apartheid, radical Islam, west, World Domination, World Domination, Third Jihad, radical Islam DVD, CAIR, mpac, Judeo Christian
Labels: obsession, radical Islam, The Third Jihad
The Hitleristic genocidal Islamic 'nations wiper' is gearing up to attack w/o provocation
Report: Iranian Officials Recommend Preemptive Strike Against Israel
FOXNews - Top officials in Iran are proposing a preemptive strike against Israel
to avoid an assault on its nuclear reactors, Israel's Haaretz newspaper reported
Top Tehran officials recommend preemptive strike against Israel Ha'aretz
Iran ponders preempting Israel IsraCast
Technorati - Freedom, 911, Al Qaida, Obama, Al Qaida, Bin Laden, Islamofascism, Islam, Apes and pigs, Terrorism, Terrorist oganization, Hamas, 'palestinians', Al Aqsa, Alaqsa, Muslims, Christians, Jews, Arabs, bombing Infidels, Israel, US, Security, Jihad, War on Terror, Ahmadinejad, Iran, Mosque, Foreign policy, West, non Muslims, Democracy, Sudan, Afghanitsan, Islamic Threat, Islamic Hitler, Nukes, Taliban, Islamists
Labels: ahmadinejad, Iran, Islamic nukes, Israel
Monday, October 20, 2008
Obession - 10 parts on YouTube
Obsession part 2
Obsession part 3
Obsession part 4
Obsession part 5
Obsession part 6
Obsession part 7
Obsession part 8
Obsession part 9
Obsession part 10 T
ags: Caliphate, Islam, Islamofascism, Christians, Jews, obsession, Palestinians, Israel, Apartheid, Muslims, Islam, religion, “palestine”, terrorism, Islamic lobby, MPAC, “palestine”, Arabs, Islamic Apartheid, radical Islam, west, World Domination, World Domination, radical Islam DVD, CAIR, mpac, Judeo Christian