Thursday, January 31, 2008


Arab Racism

Arab Racism

One of the accusations which the various Arab countries (including Egypt and Jordan which have peace treaties with Israel) often make against Israel is that "Zionism is racism". Defining Zionism, the national liberation movement of jews, the victims of racism, as racism is particularly cynical, yet it seems that the Arabs have succeeded to convince the leaders of some nations, themselves victims of racism, to support this vicious accusation.
The latest attempt to define Zionism as racism was at the 2001 UNESCO conference which was held in Durban, South Africa. The resolution which was initiated by Arab countries enjoyed the support of most participants. Especially painful was the support of such African leaders as Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu. Some Western countries, however, notably Australia and Canada, objected and accused the conference of hypocrisy. The Canadian delegation, for example, issued the following statement:
"Canada is still here today only because we wanted to have our voice decry the attempts at this Conference to de-legitimize the State of Israel and to dishonor the history and suffering of the Jewish people. We believe, and we have said in the clearest possible terms, that it was inappropriate - wrong - to address the Palestinian-Israel conflict in this forum. We have said, and will continue to say, that anything - any process, any declaration, any language - presented in any forum that does not serve to advance a negotiated peace that will bring security, dignity and respect to the people of the region is - and will be - unacceptable to Canada."
It was for that reason that both Israel and the United States under the leadership of Secretary Colin Powell, himself no stranger to racism, pulled their delegations from the conference. The final text adopted by the conference drops all direct criticism of Israel, but does recognize the Palestinians’ right to self-determination and expresses concern at their plight under foreigh occupation.
That was only the latest attempt to define Zionism as racism. In November 1975, the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379 declared that "Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination" In December 1991, the General Assembly rescinded this resolution through Resolution 4686.
All those years the Arab countries continued to promote this false notion. It is therefore of interest to check how different things are on the other side of the fence, namely in the Arab countries. Even though there are many blacks who live in those countries the question whether they are subject to racism was academic for a long time and one had to resort to circumstantial evidence in order to answer it. One well-known fact is that most Arabs refer to blacks as "Abed" which means "slave" in Arabic. This seems to say something about the situation of racism in the Arab world. Today, due to the recent events in Darfur and the active role that the Arab Janjaweed play in the slaughter of black Africans there, this question has become more urgent and relevant than ever before. It is time for the UN and the whole world to fight it NOW

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McCain addresses Islamo-fascist threat

McCain addresses Islamo-fascist threat

By Emily Goodell,
Published on Tuesday, January 08, 2008
John McCain discusses Islamo-fascism and environmental concerns at the Top of the Hop on Monday.

"McCain addresses Islamo-fascist threat"
Lauding himself as the most truthful of the Republican presidential candidates, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., worked to rally support in a final effort to win over New Hampshire voters before the upcoming primary in a speech given at the Top of the Hop Monday afternoon.

"We've come a long way back and that's because we told the people of New Hampshire the truth," McCain said. "You can't buy an election in the state of New Hampshire. I hope that I have earned your respect."
Lauding himself as the most truthful of the Republican presidential candidates, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., worked to rally support in a final effort to win over New Hampshire voters before the upcoming primary in a speech given at the Top of the Hop Monday afternoon.

“We’ve come a long way back and that’s because we told the people of New Hampshire the truth,” McCain said. “You can’t buy an election in the state of New Hampshire. I hope that I have earned your respect.”

McCain encouraged voters to do as much as they could to support him in the final hours before the first-in-nation primaries.

“I’m asking you to call your friends; I’m asking you to do the things that win elections,” he said.

The presidential hopeful spoke at length about the threat of ‘Islamo-fascist extremism,’ identifying it as one of the most grave issues facing the United States today.

“[Islamo-fascist extremists] are the greatest force of evil perhaps we have ever confronted,” he said.

The senator added that the U.S. has made progress fighting these extremists in Iraq and criticized Democrats who had favored setting a timeline for withdrawing troops.

McCain said that had the government decided to pull American troops out of Iraq, “Al-Qaeda would be saying they defeated the United States of America and they didn’t then and they never will.”

In addition, McCain underscored his positions on climate change and political corruption, as well as his foreign policy record, claiming 20 years of experience in dealing with national security issues.

He spoke optimistically about America’s ability to prevent climate change, discussing the possibility of expanding the use of nuclear power in the U.S.

“We can unleash American technology,” he said. “There’s a whole range of things we can do, and one of them is nuclear power.”

McCain acknowledged that there is controversy surrounding the energy source, but cited the existence of American naval ships that contain nuclear power plants and the fact that 80 percent of French electricity is generated by nuclear power as proof of its safety.

“I’m going to give you a cleaner planet — I promise you that,” McCain said.

The senator continued by protesting corrupt congressional spending.

“We have mortgaged your futures” he said, addressing the young people in the audience. “If we don’t fix things, you’re not going to have social security, you’re not going to have Medicare when you retire.”

McCain pointed to the $255 million that Congress has approved for a “bridge to an island with 50 people living on it” in Alaska as an example of the types of government spending he would like to prevent.

“I’m going to veto every pork barrel spending bill,” he said.

McCain kept his speech short, light and routine. In one aside, he quoted Ronald Reagan as saying, “Congress spends money like a drunken sailor, except that I never knew any sailor, drunk or sober, with the imagination of congress.”

McCain added that once, after he mentioned that quote, he received an angry e-mail from a drunken sailer who felt insulted to be compared to Congress, an anecdote McCain has used often while on the campaign trail.

McCain was accompanied by his wife and daughters, as well as by Gov. Jim Douglas, R-Vt., who introduced and endorsed McCain’s run for the presidency.

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B. Clinton takes on [911 'conspiracy theories' liar] heckler [Islamists are continuing to murder all around the world!

B. Clinton takes on [911 'conspiracy theories' liar] heckler [Islamists are continuing to murder all around the world!]

Bill Clinton takes on heckler January 31, 2008 Posted: 02:00 PM ET

Watch Bill Clinton take on a heckler Thursday. (CNN) – Bill Clinton engaged with a heckler head on Thursday at a Denver campaign stop.

The former president had just begun his speech when a man began to shout about 9/11 conspiracies.

As security attempted to escort him out, Clinton stopped his speech, saying, "What are you screaming about? Let him talk."

"Are you one of those it-was-an-inside-job guys? Let me tell you something… I let you be rude and interrupt me, scream at the top of your lungs. 9/11 was not an inside job; it was an Osama bin Laden job with 19 people from Saudi Arabia," Clinton continued. "They murdered 3000 Americans and others foreigners, including over 200 other Muslims. And we look like idiots, folks, denying that the people who murdered our fellow citizens did it when they are continuing to murder all around the world. So we heard from you: you go away."

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Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Islamic Movement head charged with incitement to racism, violence [Arab racism Islamic bigotry even inside Israel]

Islamic Movement head charged with incitement to racism, violence [Arab racism & Islamic bigotry even inside Israel]

January 29, 2008

By Yoav Stern, Haaretz Correspondent

Ra'ad Salah, anti-Semitism

The head of the Islamic Movement in Israel's
Northern Branch, Ra'ad Salah, was charged Tuesday in Jerusalem Magistrate's
Court with incitement to violence and racism, over a fiery speech he gave a year
ago in which he invoked the blood libel.

During the speech at the
February 16, 2007 protest in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Wadi Joz, Salah
accused Jews of using children's blood to bake bread.

"We have never
allowed ourselves to knead [the dough for] the bread that breaks the fast in the
holy month of Ramadan with children's blood," he said. "Whoever wants a more
thorough explanation, let him ask what used to happen to some children in
Europe, whose blood was mixed in with the dough of the [Jewish] holy bread."

"Great God, is this a religion?" he asked. "Is this
what God would want? God will deal with you yet for what you are doing."

The rally was called to protest the planned Mughrabi bridge construction
in Jerusalem's Old City. Addressing the 1,000-strong crowd and assembled press,
Salah accused Israel of attempting to rebuild the Jewish Temple on the Temple
Mount while drenched in Arab blood.

"Whoever wants to build a house of
God should not do so while our blood is still on his clothes, on his doorposts,
in his food, in his drink, being passed along from one terrorist general to the
next terrorist general," he said.

"You are inciting against us, do not
let the ranks on your shoulders tempt you," he continued. "These ranks and stars
on your shoulders were made from the skulls of our martyrs. They are ranks of
shame, not ranks of splendor. These are ranks of disgrace, not ranks of honor."

Following the speech and Friday prayers, the crowd began rioting and
throwing stones at police. According to the prosecution, Salah's speech
constituted a "call to commit acts of violence and encouragement of acts of
violence, which given the content and context, there was a real possibility that
it could lead to acts of violence."

The prosecution said Salah made the
remarks "with the objective of inciting racism."

In an interview with
Ashams radio, Salah said in response that, "I am willing to repeat before the
court all the things I said at the Friday sermon in Wadi Joz or any other
meeting with journalists."

"Our statements are the products of
conviction, and I will not recant," he continued.

Salah said the
decision to indict him, along with Sunday's decision to close the case against
officers involved in the deaths of 13 Israeli Arabs in the October 2000 riots,
was part of an attempt to pressure and threaten Israeli Arab society. "They want
us to be good little boys," he said.

Salah was released from prison in
2005 after serving some two years for having contact with a foreign agent, as
well as financial crimes related to the Islamic Movement.


Israeli-Arab Islamic Chief Indicted For Incitement, Blood Libel


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Muslims’ Victim Mentality

Muslims’ Victim Mentality

26 Jan 2008

As a group, Muslims are paranoid and suffer chronically from the disease of victimization. That is, they either victimize the helpless whenever and wherever they can, or scream murder against the strong. This mentality is one of the many bequests that Muhammad left for his Ummah.

Recall that Muhammad himself bemoaned his victim plight in Mecca, packed his bags and fled to Medina where the Jews were not as vicious as his own Quraish tribe operating the lucrative tourist business of the idolaters. Then the infighting started in earnest among the various factions, as soon as Muhammad died. People began jockeying for power and doing their Muslim-best to destroy their competition. Ali, Muhammad’s son-in-law was elbowed out of the way by the more powerful disciples of the Prophet and had to wait his turn to head the already fractured and feuding Ummah.

A number of the faithful resented the fact that Ali was not allowed to take over the reign. Some felt victimized by Omar and his powerful conspirators and hated Ali for not standing and fighting like a man. Some real stand-and-fight Muslims decided that Ali should be punished and he was knifed to death on his way to the mosque.

The death of Ali was the real stirring of the hornet’s nest, so to speak. All kinds of power struggle, infighting and bloodletting started among the followers of the religion of peace.

Ali’s boys, namely Hassan and Hussein, decided to salvage their dad’s honor by standing and fighting like a good Muslim should, as well as enjoying the perks that come with being the leaders of the gang.

So, a real fight was joined. On the one side was Yazid with his mighty army and wealth, and on the other side were Hassan and Hussein with their rag-tag band of followers. Hassan was killed unceremoniously in short order, but Hussein was not about to bow out. Hussein started a dialogue with his adversary, Yazid.

Hussein: I am the rightful inheritor of the house of Muhammad. I demand that all believers, including you Yazid, accept me (bayat) as the head of the Ummeh.

Yazid: Nothing doing man. Muhammad’s Ummah is not a family business. It is the faith of Allah that must follow his laws. The people select the most righteous man as the head of the faith, just the way the Caliphs did. The faith of Allah is based on meritocracy and not heredity.

Hussein: You are wrong, Yazid. My granddaddy started the business, my daddy gave his life for it, my brother was murdered to claim it, and I intend to take what is rightfully mine.

Yazid: Hussein, you seem to be just as stubborn as Hassan. You are not amenable to reason, so let the sword of justice settle our dispute.

So, you know the rest of the story. Hussein stubbornly refused to relinquish his claim to the powerful Yazid and ended up with his head cut off by Shimr, impaled on a spear and presented to Yazid as a trophy.

The followers of the house of Ali and his lineage, a minority of about 10 percent of the Muslims, felt victimized by the evil Yazid. Since there was very little these lovers of Ali’s house could do to materially change things, they assumed the role of victim. Year after year, century after century, they commemorated the victimization events of the time of Hussein, have beaten and slashed themselves bloody for their ancestors not going to the aid of Hussein, and bloodied themselves all aimed to atone for their ancestral sins.

Well, the Yazid-Hussein bloody drama was some 1400 years ago. Isn’t it time to let go? Why is it, particularly to Iranian Shias, that they just keep on continuing and promoting the tragic events associated with two Arabs fighting for personal power?

We Iranians don’t have a dog in this fight. In fact we should rid ourselves of all Islamic stains, Shia, Sunni, or whatever, and with it stop playing victims of one power or another. Playing victim may give psychological relief but doesn’t solve any problems on the ground. And problems of the ground we have aplenty.

Again, give it up my countrymen. Enough playing victim: victims of the Jews, our perennial excuse that we have been using to victimize them whenever we can; victims of America; victims of the Crusaders. We are victims alright: victims of Islam that invaded our land and implanted a raft of pathological ideas in our heads.

Victimization is an Islamic disease. Islam, irrespective of sects, either victimizes the people it can, or plays victim to the real or imagined oppressors. This victimization mentality is at the root of Muslim’s backwardness and primitiveness.

We Iranians are descendants of an optimistic, enlightened, and positive people. We are the children of Cyrus the Great and not blind slaves of an Arab cult called Islam. Islam has brought us nothing but misery. Let go of Islam; bury it along with the memories of two Arabs, Yazid and Hussein, who fought for leadership. Don’t bloody yourselves for ten days every year to bemoan Hussein’s plight. All of Islam is not worth one drop of an Iranian’s blood. And blood we have given to this blood-sucker Islam by barrel-full.

[ ]



Bishop hits at Muslims' 'victim mentality' - Independent Online ...
Bishop hits at Muslims' 'victim mentality'. By Andrew Johnson. Published: 05 November 2006. The Church of England's only Asian bishop has spoken out against ...

Muslims urged to drop victim mentality - National -'s Muslims must drop their victim mentality and build a confident Muslim identity, controversial Islamic scholar Tariq Ramadan says.

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Monday, January 28, 2008


Huckabee: Iran's leader - Evil, we have to fight the Islamofa

Huckabee [in an interview (Jan. 28, 08 at 8:45/54 PM ET) to Wolf Blitzer on "CNN Election Center": Iran's leader - Evil, we have to fight the Islamofascism movement.

The no PC Huckabee!


Dec. 2007
Huckabee tells Brody File: "I'm Stronger Than Most People" on Terror and Immigration, In fact I think I’m stronger than most people because I truly understand the nature of the war that we are in with Islamo fascism.

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Some highlights of the monstrous radical ISLAMIC THREATS around the world in this month (January 2008) alone

Some highlights of the monstrous radical ISLAMIC THREATS around the world in this month (January 2008) alone
Aid worker's abductors 'did their homework'
Globe and Mail, Canada - January 28, 2008
KANDAHAR, AFGHANISTAN — The American aid worker kidnapped in Kandahar city this weekend was likely the victim of a well co-ordinated Taliban snatch ...

Terror Threats Weigh on UN Staff Abroad
Asian Tribune, Thailand - January 28, 2008
... Sudan, Somalia, Afghanistan and Lebanon. Osama bin Laden, described as the mastermind behind the terror attacks on the United States in September 2001,

Hezbollah’s bags of cash
Town Hall, DC - January 28, 2008
Sources in Lebanon and the US tell me that up until a year or so ago, much of the Iranian money was transferred to terrorist organizations

Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb's dilemma
Middle East Times, Egypt [January 28, 2008]
... motivated by joining the global jihad. In light of the recent defections, it is possible that a split-off of the Algerian terror group might occur

Seven killed in Beirut riots
AFP - January 27, 2008
Violence swept the southern suburbs of Beirut, a stronghold of the Shiite militant movement Hezbollah which is spearheading a campaign...

Extremists plotted attacks across Europe, Spanish paper says - Jan. 27, 2008
The cell planned three attacks in Spain, one in Germany and others in France, Britain and Portugal, according to the informant, El Pais reported. ...

EU's flawed combat against terrorism
OpEdNews, PA - Jan. 27, 2008
by Goesta Groenroos Page 1 of 1 page(s) "Injustice is the best ally for terrorism," reiterated Dick Marty, the Swiss senator in a press conference last week ...

Defence minister says terror threat still real in Singapore
Channel News Asia, Singapore - January 27, 2008

... propaganda in publications, videos and the Internet, while Maksham Mohd Shah developed similar views and tried to make bombs for use in armed jihad. ...

Lebanon vows to fight 'empire of terror' after killings
AFP - Jan 26, 2008
BEIRUT (AFP) — Lebanon's senior security chief on Saturday vowed to fight what he called "the empire of terror" as angry mourners vowed revenge at the ...

We planned terror bomb targets in UK
Sunday People, UK - Jan 26, 2008
By Tom Carlin The Pakistani terror cell smashed in Barcelona last week was planning suicide bomb attacks in Britain...

Two armed Islamist militants killed, Algerian Interior Ministry says (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Jan 26, 2008
Authorities in Algeria have been battling the remnants of an Islamic insurgency that broke out in the early 1990s, when the army canceled the second round...

Urgent Manhunt Across Europe for Terror Plotters
ABC News - Jan 25, 2008
... News has learned that the manhunt that began in Spain for suspected terror cell members has now extended to France and other European Union countries

German Court Cases Highlight International Face of Terrorism
Deutsche Welle, Germany - Jan 25, 2008
Also on Thursday, a court in Schleswig-Holstein sentenced a German of Moroccan origin to jail for setting up an Al-Qaeda cell in Sudan, Africa, ...,2144,3088558,00.html

Top Islamic militant killed in Kashmir, Australia - Jan 25, 2008
... Islamic militants facing charges of orchestrating terror attacks. Violence in Kashmir has been declining since India and Pakistan began a slow-moving,23599,23112019-23109,00.html

Strategy Page - Jan 25, 2008
Many of the Islamic terror attacks inside India are carried out by terrorists originally from camps inside Pakistan, and who sneak across the Line ...

Blacklisting Terrorism Supporters in Kuwait
Washington Institute for Near East Policy, DC - Jan 25, 2008
Given the Kuwaiti government's mixed record in cracking down on terrorism financing, there is reason to be skeptical that it will take strong action.

The Terrorist Cancer and the Cure for the Middle East
Canada Free Press, Canada - Jan 25, 2008
Until the West understands that the front line of the Jihad is everywhere that a Muslim population exists, there will be no peace only more death and ...

Terrorist 007 and Islamist Internet adventures (3)
Spero News - Jan 24, 2008
Here they dressed up in camouflage, used guns in target practice and made a video to recruit others for jihad.

German Court Convicts Terror Suspect
The Associated Press - Jan 24, 2008
Prosecutors also charged that he helped form a terrorist group in Sudan that aimed to set up a training camp...

UK mosques too radical for Iraq, says minister, United Kingdom - Jan 23, 2008
Mr Ellwood revealed the comments during a debate on terrorism in Whitehall on the 16th January. Dr Salih's comments come at a time of heightened tension...

Al-Qaida's 'black widow' warns France of punishment
Times of India, India - Jan 22, 2008
PARIS: Widow of a slain al-Qaida terror mastermind, Fatiha Mejjati, known as the "black widow" of al-Qaida, has warned that France would be the target

A Pakistan Link in Europe Arrests - TIME
Monday, Jan. 21, 2008
The arrest of 14 jihadists in Barcelona points to concern that the threat there stems ... received his training in a terror camp run by Pakistani jihadists. ...,8599,1705561,00.html

Spanish Minister: 14 Terror Suspects Arrested May Have Planned Barcelona Attack
Saturday, January 19, 2008,2933,324010,00.html

US Embassy in Algiers receives terror alert
Jan 19, 2008
The December bombings in Algiers were the deadliest in a string of recent attacks blamed on al-Qaida in Islamic North Africa, the successor to an Algerian ...

UK Security Chief Cracks Down on Extremist Muslim Web Sites
E-Commerce Times - Jan 18, 2008
By Julia Horton Web sites aimed at recruiting people into extremist Muslim terrorist networks may be removed in a UK crackdown...

Barrage of rockets hits Sderot as kids go to school
Israel Insider, Israel - Jan 17, 2008
The Hamas Izz al-Din al-Qassam brigades claimed responsibility for the ongoing barrage. Since the Hamas took over the Gaza Strip in mid-June 2007

Terror plot against Tel Aviv-Jerusalem train thwarted
Ynetnews, Israel - Jan 17, 2008
An Islamic Jihad terror cell planning to wire the tracks of one of Israel's busiest train lines was arrested in a joint IDF and Shin Bet operation,7340,L-3495629,00.html

Thai official claims Al Qaeda funding Muslim separatists
AFP - Jan 17, 2008
BANGKOK (AFP) — Thailand's government spokesman Friday for the first time claimed Al Qaeda is funding Islamic separatists in the southern provinces, ...

Europe 'is new base for terror'
Gulf Daily News, Bahrain - Jan 16, 2008
The US Marines will train Mauritanian Camel Corps soldiers who patrol the northeast desert quadrant bordering Algeria, the Western Sahara and Mali. ...

Xinhua, China - Jan 11, 2008
The trial was subject to strict security measures, which were tightened even further following a terrorism alert in Brussels. Belgium has been on high alert...

Report: French Investigate Terror Threat - Jan 11, 2008

Terror Blogger Claims Paris Attack Plan
CBS News, NY - Jan 9, 2008

Terror Threats Cancel Dakar Rally
The Associated Press - Jan 9, 2008
Al-Qaida in Islamic North Africa is the rebranded name of an Algeria-based insurgent group known as the Salafist Group for Call and Combat...

Dakar Rally Canceled Due to al-Qaeda Threat
ThreatsWatch.Org - Jan 6, 2008
That report provided information on two recent terrorist strikes perpetrated by AQIM in Mauritania in late December, the first a shooting attack against a family of French tourists...

Belgium under terrorist threat
Courrier International, France - Jan 3, 2008
Belgian authorities decreed a state of maximum emergency on December 21st because of terrorist threats.

The War on Terror in Africa: Assessment and Prospects for 2008
Family Security Matters, NJ - Jan 3, 2008
With the gathering strength of AQIM to its north and its own internal difficulties, Nigeria – and with it the rest of West Africa

Algeria Car Bomb Kills 4 Police Officers
The Associated Press - Jan 2, 2008
Algeria's Islamic insurgency broke out in the early 1990s, when the army canceled the second round of the country's first multiparty elections...

Our Take on the Other Media's Homeland Security Coverage

Over there: Disparaging any manhunt for al Qaeda leaders as pointless, Pakistan’s president said Tuesday that Osama bin Laden is less of a threat to his regime than the Taliban running roughshod over part of his country, The News notes — while AP has an administration official venting dissatisfaction with the quality of info it’s getting about jihadis operating in Pakistan’s volatile tribal area. Extensive intel has allowed coalition forces to push al Qaeda out of numerous Iraqi provinces, but a top commander stays cautious, “saying the terrorist group’s ability to re-emerge is constant,” The Washington Times tells. Afghanistan’s president warned the World Economic Forum in Switzerland yesterday that the whole world could suffer from the “wildfire” of terrorism engulfing his region, The Voice of America mentions.

Over here: “Sleeper cells are walking around the infidels’ land using different cover methods
and white names that don’t attract American internal security’s attention, but . . .
it’s al Qaeda’s lone wolves that disrupt [the FBI’s],” The Jamestown Foundation quotes a jihadi Web posting.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations has backed off on its defense of two Muslim college students caught driving with explosives and a how-to video on bomb-making, WorldNetDaily relates. Concerns about the safety of serving Muslim military personnel arose after it emerged that their personal details were among those of 600,000 people held on a filched Royal Navy laptop, The Sunday Times tells. Releasing updated guidelines, British university leaders agree to inform the police of any extremist behavior by students or visiting speakers they suspect may lead to terrorism, The Guardian reports — while AP has U.K. police offering to train the academics.

Holy Wars: “How does a single individual go from standing on a
street corner to flicking a switch and blowing himself up? The question is superficially simple. The
answers are not,” The Observer explores in a two-partseries.
Jihad doctrine;
Shariah (Islamic law); designs for a global caliphate through jihad (terrorism) and the spread of Shariah (Islamization): We pretend they are not factors in the free world’s experience with Islam,” a Washington Times columnist waxes wroth. “Nowadays, quite a few Islamic religious leaders issue fatwas against Westerners—or moderate Muslims—thus energizing the people against other nations, in a battle resembling the one between light and darkness in Manichaeism,” a essay asserts. A Palestinian resistance group gaining strength on the West Bank “sounds like Hamas — or even al Qaeda — but doesn’t support suicide bombings or secret militias,” The Christian Science Monitor profiles.

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Sunday, January 27, 2008


The “I” (Islamofascism) word is denied in Dallas

The “I” word is denied in Dallas



comment by Jerry Gordon

Pictures are worth a ten thousand words. Contrast these America’s Truth Forum Symposium bill board in Southlake, TX in the Dallas Forth Worth Metroplex. Note the very PC language changes in the two bill board design. The missing “I” word for Islamists says it all.

Note this comment from Bob Spencer at Jihad Watch:

Why the changes? The sales manager of a Dallas-area billboard company explained: “My boss wouldn’t go along with this type of advertising since we have an international clientele — some of whom might be on the other side.”

The other side? On the side of the jihadists?

Imagine an American billboard company in 1942 toning down an anti-Nazi billboard because, well, some of their clients are Nazis!

Hugh Fitzgerakd of Jihad Watch delves into the suppression of free speech in this Jihad Watch posting. He believes that the focus on terrorism, while important misses the opportunity to discuss the 800 pound elephant in the virtual room of ideas at the ‘next’ conference-cultural Jihad:

The next conference should not be about “Terrorism,” “Islamist” or otherwise. Instead, it should be all about the “instruments of Jihad.” And those instruments include, but are not limited to, terrorism. Subjects of talks should include, but not be limited to, these: “The Money Weapon, and How To Diminish It.” “Campaigns of Da’wa In The West, And How To Counter Them.” “Demographic Conquest by Muslims, and How To Halt, and Even Reverse It.”

Give the conference in New York.

Give a European version of the same conference in London, or Brussels, or Paris.

Don’t stop.

A tip of the chapeau to Stephanie.

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[A liberal says?] I oppose Islamofascism because

[A liberal says?] I oppose Islamofascism because

First Things Next

Filed under: Feature, Independent Liberal — Deafening Silence on January 23, 2008 @ 12:55 am CET

This post first appeared in January, 2007. As Martin Luther King Day approached once more, I decided to re-post it. Mr. van der Galien was kind enough to let me post here, as well.

I should apologize. I have not made myself clear.

This blog was a gift from a dear friend and in my eagerness to master basic blogging skills such as editing posts and linking- all very new things to me- I neglected to stop and properly introduce myself.

Out of respect for those readers who have been kind enough to stop by and browse, I will take a moment to clarify my position on some matters.

You have a right to know what you’re in for.

I am a lifelong liberal. I am a registered Independent. I believe in individual rights and personal freedom. I also believe in personal responsibility and the obligation to speak one’s mind when those rights and freedoms are at stake.

I believe those individual rights and personal freedoms are now at stake and I am using this space to speak my mind and to try to persuade fellow liberals to open their eyes and raise their voices as well.

You are sorely needed.

I have never in my life voted for a member of the Bush family. I believe in a woman’s right to choose. I support equal rights for homosexuals. I disagreed with the invasion of Iraq.

And I am unalterably opposed to Islamofascism.

Here is how I define it:

Islamofascism is an aggressive movement determined to impose fundamentalist Islamic theocracy on all the peoples of the world by means of violence and propaganda. Its aims are Imperial and its appetite for conquest obsessive; it will continue to gleefully bomb and murder no matter how unlikely its ultimate success may seem to the rest of us.

I oppose Islamofascism but I do not oppose Islam. I believe there can be a difference between the two, but that difference will remain obscure and indistinct so long as Islamofascism goes unchallenged.

It is up to those of us who believe in personal liberty and freedom to pose that challenge. With the approach of Martin Luther King Day we should all take a moment to remember those who struggled and suffered and died for those freedoms before us- the brave ones who marched in the face of firehoses and attacking dogs; the women who endured beatings and forced feedings in prison to win the right to vote; the miners and factory workers who risked what little they had to stand up to the bosses and demand decent working conditions and fair treatment; the brave investigators of government crime who have helped to push the corrupt out of powerful positions.

We rest comfortably on the rights and expectations they purchased for us with their struggles. Now it is our turn.

I want to be clear, so let me lay this out as plainly as I can:

  • I oppose Islamofascism because I believe in the separation of church and state.

Coerced belief is unbelief; religious ritual without freedom of conscience is as pointless as a beating heart without pair of working lungs.

  • I oppose Islamofascism because I believe in freedom of speech.

Freedom of speech- including to freedom to criticize and even give offense- is the very crucible that hones and tempers personal conviction. Those who criticize and those who are criticized often teach one another without realizing it. That which stings most can also galvanize. This is precious to society.

  • I oppose Islamofascism because I believe in freedom of religion.

This includes freedom from religion. The agnostic, the atheist, the undecided- all have a spiritual contribution to make; they are both a check on and a provocation to the devout. And for the believer, the freedom to question and doubt is a building block of true devotion. You may believe God is infallible, but we humans certainly are not.

  • I oppose Islamofascism because I oppose slavery

From child labor to female servants treated as virtual prisoners, Islamofascism is rife with de facto slavery. Slavery is by no means unique to Islamofascism- it is a centuries-old scourge- but in Islamofascism it is excused and practised with particular boldness- including in the United States.

  • I oppose Islamofascism because I support Gay Rights.

Islamofascist rhetoric against homosexuals is offensive in this country, but that is nothing compared to actual laws currently applied by theocratic regimes in the Islamic world. Iran regularly hangs teenagers suspected of homosexuality. It is an ‘offense’ punishable by death. I could not look my gay friends in the eye knowing I did nothing to protest this.

  • I oppose Islamofascism because I support freedom of the press.

Many people are not aware of the degree of cencorship forced on the press in much of the Islamic world. Government control of newspapers and tv gives otherwise fair-minded people a very distorted and hateful picture of the West. We have only to look at the threats and violence engendered by the Danish Cartoon Controversy to see an example of this.

  • I oppose Islamofascism because I believe in a woman’s right to vote and to hold public office.

This is a breathtaking rarity in many parts of the Islamic world. And it is still new enough in our own country that we must fiercely protect and defend it. Recent years have seen the first women cast into powerful government roles. We must not let them be the last.

  • I oppose Islamofascism because I believe in a woman’s right to own property.

The legal right to an independent income and property is a woman’s best defense against abuse. It is a tool to help free her from an abusive mate; it is a stepping stone to education; it is a piece of security in an often insecure world. It allows a woman to stand upright in her own name. There is no substitute for this.

  • I oppose Islamofascism because I believe rape must remain a crime- no exceptions and no excuses.

When I was young we were taught that rape was always an act of aggression and that victims were not to blame. This core belief is now in danger. Radical Imams in Australia and elsewhere are openly preaching that some women are ‘asking for it,’ and, most horrifying of all, some female government officials are hurrying to agree with them. On this subject, we must hold firm and give no quarter. Rape is always wrong; it is always a crime; this basic reality will not be changed to appease any militant belief system.

  • I oppose Islamofascism because I believe domestic abuse must remain a crime- no exceptions and no excuses.

Abuse does not ‘teach her a lesson’ or show a child ‘the error of his ways.’ Abuse simply hurts. Sometimes it kills. If the Islamofascists are correct and the Koran really does prescribe beating one’s wife or child, then Islam will simply have to learn to live with a certain a certain amount of frustration and self-restraint. Domestic abuse must never be tolerated for any reason. It is a crime. And we are required to protect and defend the victims.

  • I oppose Islamofascism because I believe in a woman’s right to acquire as much education as her intellectual talents will permit.

From Elizabeth the First to Madame Curie, educated women have been indispensable to civilization. A society that prizes docile illiteracy over informed contribution smothers itself, not just its women. Men and women suffer equally from its failures.

  • I oppose Islamofascism because I wish for all Muslims- Shia, Sunni, Sufi, Druze, and every other sect- to enjoy freedom of conscience and peaceful worship.

Muslims suffer under Islamofascism just as non-Muslims do. Their beliefs are picked apart and they are persecuted for doctrinal differences. They are subjected to threats and intimidation. I recognize that some self-identified Muslims support the aims of Islamofascism- perhaps more, regrettably, than most people are willing to admit. But for those who do not, I wish an end to the feelings of dread and hopelessness- and a new beginning in freedom.

  • In short, I oppose Islamofascism because I am a liberal.

And there you have it- for now. This is the first time I have spoken specifically about my beliefs, but it will not be the last. In the meantime I will try to present examples of threats to these core beliefs and freedoms- threats that have been going unheeded. And I will also present Muslim voices arguing for coexistence and peaceful change.

We are all needed- each of us- in this fight. It’s our turn, now.

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