Monday, March 31, 2008
Got Fitna?
YouTube - Part 1 :
YouTube - Part 2: Wilders' 'Fitna': Insightful and Inciteful - HUMAN EVENTS Brad Thor's Forum Fitna update How to download FITNA-- VERIFIED
Technorati - Freedom 911 Al Qaida Al Qaeda Al Qaida Bin Laden Al Zarqawi Anti west Anti American Intolerance Terrorist oganization Hamas 'palestinian' propaganda Al Aqsa Alaqsa 'palestinian' terrorism Suicide bombing Saddam Hussein Torture chambers WTC bombing Homicide bombing London bombing Bali bombing Beheading Abu Sayyaf Honor killing Muslim clerics Mullahs Islamic Hitler Iran Regime Ahmedinejad Iran nukes Human rights War on terror jihad Sudan genocide Islamic slavery Arab slaver masters Genocide bombing Anti Israel bias Arab racism Anti Israel racism Islamofacsism Conflict Israel Islamic Jihad Hamas "palestinian" Animalism "palestinian" cruelty "palestinian" Savagery "Palestine" "Palestinians" Israelis Jewish refugees Victims of terror Moderates Islam Radical Islam Militants Arab occupation Arab Muslims Indoctrination Arab hatred Muslim hatred 'Palestinian' hatred 'Palestinian' Child abuse Jewish refugeesDeath cult 'Palestinian' human shields 'Palestinian' human bombs Arab oil lobby Arab oil mafia Islamic Aparthied Ethnic cleansing Passover massacre MuslimArabsArab atrocities Damour massacre Hebron massacre Politically correct Muhammad "palestinian" propaganda "Palestinians" Netanya massacre Hamas Abu Sayaaf Beheading Honor killing Jerusalem massacre Passover massacreBus bombing Islamists Mufti Koran Quran Radical Islam Islam Islamophobia Beslan massacre CAIR Islamic phobia Sharia Fatwa Mullah Kafir Infidels Islamofascism Islamic fascism Whabbism Whabbist Wahabbi Saudi Arabia Islamofacism "religion of peace" Huzbullah Arabism Ahmadinejad Appeasement Apes & pigs Islamic Cruelty Treason Iraq Iran Syria Lebanon Netherlands Eurabia Europe Islam LiveLeak Fitna YouTube ]
Labels: appeasment, Fitna, islam, islamofascism, liveleak, religion, youtube
Let's worry about Islamofascism
The resolution adopted by Muslim theologians representing the various schools of Islam at the All-India Anti-terrorism Conference organised by Darul Uloom, Deoband, 'denouncing' terrorism but condoning radical Islam's ghastly excesses, apart from remaining silent on Islamist terrorism in India which continues to extract a terrible price, is of a piece with the Observatory Report on Islamophobia released by the Organisation of Islamic Conference at its recent meeting in Dakar, Senegal. Both documents seek to justify manufactured Muslim rage and lay the blame for the resultant death and destruction at the doors of everybody else but Muslims.
It is ironical that Darul Uloom, Deoband, should have taken it upon itself to preach to others the virtues of tolerance - Deobandis are known for neither tolerating others or their faith nor allowing Muslims the freedom to subscribe to modernism and its attendant values. Indeed, Deobandi madarsas at home and abroad, especially in Pakistan, are known to breed Islamofascists whose dark thoughts and darker deeds generate Islamophobia against which the OIC has demanded an international law. Of course, Islamofascism must remain unrestrained and Islamofascists must be allowed the right to practice their ideology of hate. To contest this would amount to Islamophobia, and Islamophobes, as we have now been told, have no right to exist. So, like the proverbial lamb, we should meekly surrender to our slaughter. The least we can do is believe the bogus declaration issued by mullahs who gathered at Darul Uloom, Deoband.
The bloodletting in Jammu & Kashmir, the ethnic cleansing of the Valley to lay the foundation of Nizam-e-Mustafa, the bombings in Mumbai and elsewhere, the persecution of Hindus in Bangladesh and Malaysia by preachers of fanatical Islam who have now come to dominate the centrestage of politics in those countries and the pathetic, craven approach of accommodation and concession adopted by the political class of India which was, and continues to be, reluctant to confront the truth, should fashion any honest critique of Islamism and highlight its fascist character. This is not about indulging in Islamophobia, which so agitates the OIC and its cheerleaders, but about coming to grips with the true dimensions of Islamofascism, which should be of over-riding concern for those who believe in freedom and cherish the values of modernism that collectively form the foundation of free and plural societies.
Technorati - Freedom 911 Al Qaida Al Qaeda Al Qaida Bin Laden Al Zarqawi Anti west Anti American Intolerance Terrorist oganization Hamas 'palestinian' propaganda Al Aqsa Alaqsa 'palestinian' terrorism Suicide bombing Saddam Hussein Torture chambers WTC bombing Homicide bombing London bombing Bali bombing Beheading Abu Sayyaf Honor killing Muslim clerics Mullahs Islamic Hitler Iran Regime Ahmedinejad Iran nukes Human rights War on terror jihad Sudan genocide Islamic slavery Arab slave masters Genocide bombing Anti Israel bias Arab racism Anti Israel racism Islamofacsism Conflict Israel Islamic Jihad Hamas "palestinian" cruelty "palestinian" Savagery "Palestine" "Palestinians" Israelis Jewish refugees Victims of terror Moderates Islam Radical Islam Militants Arab occupation Arab Muslims Indoctrination Arab hatred Muslim hatred 'Palestinian' hatred 'Palestinian' Child abuse Jewish refugees Death cult 'Palestinian' human shields 'Palestinian' human bombs Arab oil lobby Arab oil mafia Islamic Aparthied Ethnic cleansing Passover massacre MuslimArabsArab atrocities Damour massacre Hebron massacre Politically correct Muhammad "palestinian" propaganda "Palestinians" Netanya massacre Hamas Abu Sayaaf Beheading Honor killing Jerusalem massacre Passover massacre Bus bombing Islamists Mufti Koran Quran Radical Islam Islam Islamophobia Beslan massacre CAIR Islamic phobia Sharia Fatwa Mullah Kafir Infidels Islamofascism Islamic fascism Whabbism Whabbist Wahabbi Saudi Arabia Islamofacism "religion of peace" Huzbullah Arabism Ahmadinejad Appeasement Apes & pigs Islamic Cruelty Treason Iraq Iran Syria Lebanon Pakistan Afghanistan Nukes India Egypt Saudi Arabia Coptic Taliban Thailand Human shields ]
Labels: "moderates", anti Islamofascism, India, infidels, islamofascism, Pakistan, religion of "peace", terminology
About Me
guiltymostarabmuslims at email . com
Accusations!|Basic links|Info|Recommended reading|Islamofascism|Quotes & Notes|What they say|EURABIA|Jihad in Numbers|Islamists global threat|Islamic Inquizition|World domination|Islamic Genocide - past & present|No PC!|Blood Cult|Islamists Cruel tactics of human shields|Arabism = racism!|Al Qaeda & Child Porn|Clipst|So called: 'palestinians'|How Arab Muslim Goliath Controls, Corrupts World policies & Media|Basic links|Key Posts|M.E. Facts|Arab racism, Arabization, Arabism|Islamic Apartheid|'Palestine'=Genocide|'Palestinian' sick education|What are Non-Muslims to them?|'Palestinian' Death Cult|'Palestinian' racism|'Palestinian' animalism|'Palestinian' Criminal use of own kids as human shields|'Palestinian' sick "joy" at victims' pain|FAKE 'Palestinians', FAKE 'victims'|'PALESTINIANISM', Their 'contributions' to humanity|Treason|Exploiting our goodness|Genocide|Islamic Sex Jihad & Hypocrisy|Terrorism Watch|OrganizedCrimeJihad|MainstreamIslamFascism|Apes & pigs|Islamic Bigotry|Moderates?
Tunisian human rights activist: The "twin fascisms" that dominate the Arab world, Islamism and pan-Arabism
- Most Muslims have "theories" about 9/11 Islamists' massacre.
- 99.99% of Muslims that "denounce" [if at all] Islamic terror massacres on non Muslims, imply the word "but".
- Most Arabs are so racist, most Muslims are so intolerant, they just can't bring themselves to be grateful to the US for rescuing Iraqi Arab men, women & children from the butcher & torturer of Baghdad: Saddam Hussein.
- There was not one shred of gratitude from any known Muslim leader or group for US & Europe's rescuing of Bosnian Muslims in the 1990's. anti west is still going strong instead
- There was not one declaration of thank you from any known Muslim leader or organization for US saving of Somali Muslims in the 1990's. but on the contrary, their hatred only grew.
- Virtually all of the minorities are persecuted in the entire Muslim world: Christians, Druze, Kurds, Ahwazi Arabs, Marsh Arabs, Jews, Berbers, non-Arab Africans in the Sudan [by racist Arab militias in cooperation with Sudanese Islamic government], non-Arab Africans in Mauritania, Nubians, Copts, Assyrians, Maronites, Chinese in Indonesia, etc.
- Did one [mainstream] single Muslim cleric come up and say that the Koranic term [reminder, only Islamists kill, torture in the name of religion & book] 'apes & pigs', the Islamists call the non Muslims, are not to be followed?
- While [not only most Jews or even most Israelis, but even] most Zionist Jews sympathize with Arab 'Palestinian' fallen unintentionally in the war on terror, but almost all Arabs & Muslims demonize Israeli victims of intentional Arab-Muslims violent crimes against humanity.
- While Arabs live in Israel not only just better & more free [women voting, real free speech, etc.] than in all of their own regimes, but treated often as first class citizens ahead of Israeli Jews (courts, land issues, etc.), Jews, however, are either not allowed to live in certain Arab countries [apartheid, ethnic cleansing, etc. Syria even denies any entry for a Jew,] or persecuted in most Arab countries.
- Which Arab Muslim nation is exempt of the epidemic of criminal 'honor killing'?
- If Pro terror Muslim organizations like CAIR [ ] is defined as "moderate", what would one call their mainstream?
- Roughly 90% of Arabs polled, have a negative view on all Jews [not just being 'anti-Zionism', whatever that means], even in such [so called 'moderate'] countries like: Jordan.
- "White" Hitler's 'MeinKampf' is translated into Arabic, available on the "brown" Arab market, what for?
- What's the interest in "brown" Arab nations' inviting "white" KKK members to speak?
- Do you know of any Muslim group that has joined the efforts of Christian/Jewish action to prevent the racist genocide by Arab Muslims in Sudan upon native black Muslims?
- Has any Arab media issued an apology for inciting the bloody "intifada" [2000] via lying images, such as of Muhammad Al dura, which as we all know by now, was killed by Arabs themselves [who knows how many more]? or has anyone of them run the true version of stories?
- Which Arab, Muslim nation is exempt from the crime of libel against Israel's struggle for survival with outrageous drama "accusations" & horrific twisted around definitions in the UN [reaching it's peak with their racist resolution in Durban - 2000, hypocritically calling it "against racism"]?
- How many Arabs, Muslims, have declared openly that the 'Palestinian' Arab Muslim cult of using it's kids as human bombs and as human shields in their war against Israeli civilians, is totally immoral?
- Not one Muslim group has come up against and declared that a collective boycott of an entire nation such as Denmark (2006, because they were upset with a few cartoonists that happened to be Danes) is racism.
- While most Arab, most Muslims couldn't care less what happens with the [so called] "Palestinian" Arab Muslims, they do use them as pawns in their fascist war [physical, propaganda, economic & in the UN] against the non Arab, non Muslim "island" in their neighborhood, i.e. Israel.
- While Arab, Muslims leaders chased out, in 1948, most of the [so called] "Palestinian" refugees, with bragging "promises" of "victory" & ethnic cleansing the Jews out of Israel, they put them in camps, never let Israel to improve their conditions, so to use them as pawns in their fascist war against the non Arab, non Muslim "island" in their neighborhood, i.e. Israel.
- Most Arab Muslim media draws Israel so vile, as in the WWII type of Nazi cartoon drive [the other unfunny ironic part is, they pick the non-Zionist Jew image, hypocrisy, again, fascism, again].
- Most Muslims wishwash the facsistic Muslims' torture and cold blooded murder of innocent people that just happened to be Jewish, like: Daniel Pearl, Nick Berg, Ilan Halimi.
- Did you hear one mainstream Arab Muslim leader or groups denuncing the Islamic Hitler of Iran's calls for annihilation of an entire nation, calling for a new Holocaust while denying the previous one and his calls for death to: US & the UK? [PS, he just made a tour (May-2006) among "moderate" Muslim nations that only cheered him on. ]
- Exactly How many Muslims or Muslim organizations [that are so worry about their image or of their 'prophet's] have protested against the masses of Muslims on the 'Cartoon -Jihad' rampage (2006), calling Europe a cancer and threatening a "9/11" on Europe?
- Not one of the few courageous Muslims that speak out for real overall reform, for disliking westerners, for sympathy for Israel the victim, for about [all] Muslims regimes' crimes on their own people, have been shielded from any major Muslim organization (including such as CAIR -, from the menace of death threats Fatwas by Muslim clerics.
- A deeper look
- Anti Dhimmi
- Anti Mullah
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- HardAsratBoard
- Hellenic Reporter
- Infidel Bloggers Alliance
- Infidels Are Cool
- Islamofascism wordpress
- Michelle Malkin
- No to Dhimmitude!
- Wake up America! Before it's too late!
- Jihad Watch
- Islamic Terrorism (on wordpress)
- Islam Monitor
- Islamic State Apartheid
- Jihad Watcher
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- The Global War On Terror
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- Kafir Nation
- The Canadian Sentinel (CA)
- "Palestinian" Civil War Watch []
- Rants From The Right
- RightWingDeathBogan (AU)
- Observatorio Jihad (Por.)
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- Islamic Rage Boy (Brazil)
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- Extreme Centre (Fr.)
- Gallia watch. (Fr.)
- Non a la Turquie French
Blogs of note
In Other Languages
Info Sites
- Islam - Watch
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- Coalition Against Global Extremism
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- War on Jihad
- Standing up to Jihad
- Religion of 'Peace' My Ass!
- Muslim Refusnicks
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- Terror free Oil
- The Religion of 'peace'
- Arab Racism & Islamic Jihad
- Arab Racism & Islamo-Fascism!!! The most vicious Torture for WEEKS! and Cold Blooded Murder of poor Innocent Ilan Halimi by Islamo-Fascists
- Reality Check
Recommended Reading
- Moslem Terror WW3
- Front Page
- American Daily
- D. Pipes
- The Radical Evil of the Palestinian Arab Population
- Charles
- Islam & Arab - Perspective
What they really say
- Hamas Watch: Analysis and Quotes
- Words All Non-Muslims Should Know, English Translation of Islamic/Arabic words
- West vs. Islamofascism
- Steve Emerson on Islamo-Fascism
- Newt Gingrich on Islamo-Fascism
- Muslims and Saudi Arabia are anally raping the west
- 9-11-01 - The Second Plane & Islamofascism
- G. Beck Interviews
- Pallywood 1
- Pallywood 2
- Hezbollywood - CNN admits staging of photos by Hezbollah
- Pallywood - Hilarious -' wouneded' dropt
- The living dead - Resurrection in Palestine - Pallywood
- Grievances of British Muslims.
- muslim london cartoon demo.
- Anjem Choudary.
- Abu Hamza.
- Video Vedio.
- comming soon.
- Robert Spencer.
- Terrorist's Blooper Reel.
- British cartoon protests debated.
- Question of Leadership.
- submission video.
- .hirsi ali
- .hirsi ali 2
- Yusuf Al-Qaradawi
- .Hirsi Ali Interviewed Channel 4
- ."Britanistan"
- what muslims want.
- Wife Beating in Islam
- problem with the Veil
- Hizb ut-Tahrir
- More Clips, you might have missed
- Islamofascism the term (article by WSJ)
- What is Islamo-fascism"
- Islamic Fascism 101, On all they’ve done to earn the name. Make no apologies for the use of “Islamic fascism.” It is the perfect nomenclature for the agenda of radical Islam, for a variety of historical and scholarly reasons. That such usage also causes extreme embarrassment to both the Islamists themselves and their leftist “anti-fascist” appeasers in the West is just too bad.
- Islamofascism's 1936
- What Is 'Islamofascism'?
- More on the Term "Islamic Fascists"
- Death cult & hatred for non Muslims, Usama bin Laden declared: "Death is better than living on this Earth with the unbelievers among us."
- The Muslim Brotherhood, Nazis and Al Qaeda
- Islamofascism by any other name
- Islamofascism ... Bush Is on to Something
- If we don't win the war against Islamofascism other issues won't matter at all.
- "It is the curse of the thinking classes - to imagine they can reason even the bloodiest mass murderer into peace ...Hang on, warned one listener, but wasn't one of al-Qaida's desires the return of Spain and East Timor to Muslim rule? Well, that could be just a "starting point" in these talks, Price replied. That's right. An ABC staff presenter thinks we can negotiate with killers who feel that democratic, Christian Spain should be put under the rule of Islamist fascists.
- The Muslim Brotherhood's Subterfuge: Plan For Islamofascism - 101
- It's Fascism -- And It's Islamic [September 07, 2006]
- Yes, the problem is 'Islamic fascism'[Aug 13, 2006]
- WALID SHOEBAT, FORMER PLO TERRORIST: Secular dogma like Nazis is less dangerous than this Islamofascism that we do today. It's less dangerous because Islamofascism has a religious twist to it. It has "God almighty" ordering to do this, not the furor. So it is way more dangerous. It is trying to grow itself in 55 Muslim states, so potentially you could have a success rate of several Nazi Germany if these people get their way.
- How to defeat Islamo-fascism
- Faster, Please! Islamofascism [February 7th, 2007]
- How to explain the rise of Islamofascism? One word: Success, It’s no secret the strength of the Islamofascists throughout the whole umma — the Islamic world — is growing. [Feb. 28, 2007]
- We do use books that call Jews 'apes' [and Christians 'pigs'] admits head of Islamic school,The principal of an Islamic school has admitted that it uses textbooks which describe Jews as 'apes' and Christians as 'pigs' and has refused to withdraw them.
- BBC NEWS | UK | Timeline: Hamza trial The jury heard Mr Abu Hamza preached that killing non-Muslims was justified even for no reason
- Quit blaming America, we didn't earn Islamofascists' hatred! We Americans, our lifestyles, our support of Israel, our protection of Afghanistan, our actions in Iraq, didn't cause Islamofascists to hate us. They hate us because we are not Muslims . They hate us because they do not rule us. They hate us because we live with freedom and equality. They hate us because, to them, we are infidels, renegades from their true religion of Islam.
- Rosen: Defending 'Islamofascist' What I like the best about the term Islamofascism is that it calls a spade a spade. It's not some wishy-washy euphemism. It pinpoints and accurately describes this century's greatest threat to humanity. It combines intolerant religious zealotry, that's the "Islamo" part, with ruthless totalitarianism, that's the "fascist" part. The enemy isn't terrorism, per se. That's a tactic, not a cause, and a universal one at that. Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City bomber, was a terrorist, but he wasn't an Islamofascist. Klebold and Harris, the Columbine killers, were terrorists, but not Islamofascists.
- West vs. Islamofascism: We're Too Nice From the Vatican to the Pentagon, goodwill gestures offered to the Muslim world too often blow up in the West's collective face. The olive branch Pope Benedict XVI extended to Muslims is obscured by the smoke that has billowed since his address at Bavaria's Regensburg University. The Pope cited a conversation between “an educated Persian� and the 14th Century Byzantine emperor, Manuel II Paleologus. They discussed, the Pope quoted Paleologus who said: "Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.
- Yes, the problem is 'Islamic fascism'
- Islamic Fascism the Enemy, Not Terror, Says Santorum -- 07/21/2006
- Oriana Fallaci and the War Against Islamofascism
- ...the United States can't win this war alone. We can do damage to the enemy. We can take the philosophical high ground and remind people of the importance of how freedom can change societies. But we will work with allies and friends to achieve this objective. And part of the challenge in the 21st century is to remind people about the stakes, and remind people that in moments of quiet, there's still an Islamic fascist group plotting, planning and trying to spread their ideology. And one of the things that -- one of the things that came out of this unfortunate incident in the Middle East is it is a stark reminder that there are those who want to stop the advance of liberty and destabilize young democracies. And they're willing to kill people to do so.
- ...about the term, Islamo-fascism [...] listen to what Osama bin Laden has said. He has said that his envisions an "Islamic nation," to reestablish the caliphate -- I don't know if it would still be headquartered in Baghdad, but if you want your pristine historic analogy, that's where it would be, and it would extend from Asia all the way back to Spain, because memories are still raw about 1492 when the Moors were expelled from Andalusia. That's what he's talking about. So in that sense, what you end up having is strict centralized government under repressive conditions, the likes of which we saw with the Taliban. If you look at the interpretation of sharia law that has been championed by bin Laden and others, it fits all of the descriptions you've had. And if you talk about an unbroken government using those kinds of regulations over an extended landmass, which is what he's talking about, that it does fit the description.
- Said Amir Arjomand [1986]: Like fascism, the Islamic revolutionary movement has offered a new synthesis of the political creeds it has violently attacked. And, like the fascists, the Islamic militants are against democracy because they consider liberal democracy a foreign model that provides avenues for free expression of alien influences and ideas. (Also like the fascists, however, the Islamic militants would not necessarily accept the label of "antidemocratic.")
- The Meaning of 'Islamofascism'
- Michael Ledeen on Fascism & War on Terror
- ISLAMOFASCISM! It's now open & 'official', Islamists call Christians 'animals'
- Islamic Fascism The only proper response to Islamofascism is total war
- The Devilfish of Islamofascism
- Neo-Nazi becomes fanatical Muslim (24/5/2006)
- Lebanon, Islamofascism and democracy
- Rogmios on Islamofascism
- Islamo-Nazis, The Historical Collaboration of Nazis with Muslims/Arabs
- DANEgerus - Islamofascism
- Radical Islam Worse than Nazism
- Islamism is the Racism of Our Time So says Naser Khader, a member of the Danish parliament (and a Syrian-born Danish Muslim ).
- Islamic [Fascism] Extremism for Dummies... Carter’s naivete provided Islamic extremism with a national flag and a breeding ground for exporting Islamofascism abroad and into the 21st century
- Americans Against Hate - CAIR WATCH
- A Bridge to 'Moderate' Islam Is In Fact a Road to Hell... Let us, for the record, be clear on this subject one more time: Islamism, Islamofascism, Radical Islam, Political Islam, and Militant Islam are different terms for essentially the same thing, a virulent, hateful, and violent system of beliefs and practices. Yet, one and all are progeny and mutation of Islam itself. [Agust 2007]
- What is "Islamo-fascism"? Persian Journal, Iran - Jul 20, 2007
- Moderate Islam Is No Islam
- "Islamofascism is rooted in a theocratic Islamic jihadism that seeks to destroy and annihilate every last one of us. It wants to establish a complete Islamic theocracy across the world and for that to happen it means our culture has to be completely snuffed out
- Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week [week of October 22-26, 2007]
- Defending Islamofascism (Oct. 2007)
- What I mean by 'Islamo-fascism'
- Islamofascism ... Bush Is on to Something
- Islamo-Fascism Denial [Oct. 23 07]
- Testbook Terrorism Islamofascism: [7/24/2008] A new study confirms our “ally” Saudi Arabia is still poisoning young Muslim minds with anti-Western textbooks. So? Its hate-filled graduates are enrolling at our colleges.
…despite promised reforms, the kingdom still teaches students to “hate the infidels.” The texts assert that it’s “permissible” for a Muslim to kill an “apostate,” an “adulterer,” a “homosexual,” as well as non-Muslims practicing “polytheism,” or Christianity. The violent ideology is introduced in a religion textbook in the first grade and reinforced and developed in following years of the public education system, culminating in the 12th grade…including to 19 academies founded by the Saudi ministry and chaired by local Saudi ambassadors in or near major foreign cities. Quotes from the latest textbooks Riyadh is propagating include:
• “The Jews and Christians are enemies of the believers.”
• “Only through force and victory over the enemies is there security and repose.
• ”The apes are Jews, the people of the Sabbath; while the swine are Christians, the infidels of the communion of Jesus.” The Saudi ministry has not removed these messages from its school texts… - Why 'Islamofascism' correctly identifies threat [Oct. 25 07]
- 40 per cent want shari'ah in Britain for Muslims; 33 per cent favour a worldwide Islamic caliphate; 24 per cent think men and women are not equal; 32 per cent believe killing in the name of religion is justified; 33 per cent don't think Islam is compatible with democracy...The reason for this digression is not to provide an insight into the warped mindset of those who believe 'Islam is the solution' -- much as Adolf Hitler thought he had found the 'final solution' to rid the world of Jews and Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad thinks god has willed him to complete Hitler's unfinished task -- but to highlight the danger posed by those who see nothing wrong with the fringe increasingly occupying the centre. The lib-left intelligentsia, whose criminal disregard of facts and aggressive peddling of fiction often persuades ill-informed and ill-intentioned journalists to suppress the truth, wants society to be tolerant of Islamofascism; to indulge the Muslim cult of denial; and, to gloss over incidents like serial bombings and suicide attacks. Those who refuse to do so are accused of Islamophobia...
- Islamofascism, the broader, wider & deep reality, (research) How radical Islam makes you a fascist

Muslims' Global Conflicts
- Global Jihad
- Defending Western Civilization - Exposing Islamofacsist and Palestinian Terror
- The Sword of Islam ... War Against Israel and the West! 90%-95% OF ALL THE CONFLICTS ON THIS PLANET TODAY INVOLVE MUSLIMS FIGHTING NON-MUSLIMS OR EACH OTHER! There are many trouble spots around the world
- Why radical Islam and why now?

Click to Enlarge
Modern Muslims' Global Mass murder
- The Religion of Peace - Detailed ongoing list of killings for Islam around the world since 2001.
- The Bloody Borders Project - Animated maps of killings for Islam around the world since 2001
- Flash animation of major Al Qaeda attacks since 1998
- Flash Presentation
- Timeline of major killings for Islam since 1977
- Islam's Global War against Christianity
- Twenty-Year Plan: Islam Targets America

The Islamic Inquizition: "Convert or Die"!
- Radical Muslims: 'Convert or Die'(Nov, 2006)
- Two Christians freed after torture by Muslim who wanted to convert them to Islam. to Islam and when they refused, they tortured them
- Centanni later explained he and Wiig were forced to convert to Islam (by Palestinians) at gunpoint. (2006)
- They have no other recourse but to convert to Islam or die (2006)
- Islam and Violence Similar threats were made in advance of the pope's ... to post signs denouncing the pope's comments on Islam. ... world agreeing that Westerners must "convert or die" (2006)
- More Convert Or Die Diplomacy (Dec, 2006)
- Police protect girls forced to convert to Islam (02 -07)
- To convert or kill any non-muslim. They are willing and eager to die in this pursuit. ... Convert or kill all infidels, or die trying, is their only option. ... (Dec, 2006)<
- The Islamic Inquisition By Jamie Glazov April 25, 2006. Preview Image. Frontpage Interview's guest today is Ali Sadeghi, ...
- Western Resistance: Malaysia: No-One Expects The Islamic Inquisition!
- Tunisian human rights activist: "Fighting infidels until they either convert to Islam or submit to Muslims as 'Dhimmis' ... is still considered by Islamists to be a religious duty"
- Malaysia: No-One Expects The Islamic Inquisition! Recently there has been a debate in Malaysia, which is 60% Muslim, about the role of the Syariah, ...
- The Islamic Inquisition. Iran_edam.gif Frontpage Interview's guest today is Ali Sadeghi, a former political prisoner in Iran. ...
- The sleeping world is awakening to the dangers of Islam
- As they condemn the Spanish Inquisition, Islam is doing the same right now in countries such as Sudan. What Muslims are doing in Sudan is far worse than the ...
- fanatic radicals preaching their own style of Islamic Inquisition
What Muslims want: to DOMINATE the world by Islamic CALIPHATE (Khilafah)

(Dec 20, 2006)
No PC!
The sickest cult on earth called: "palestinians"
The Perfect Evil Combination of Arab Racism & Islamic Jihad
VS Israel the Victim
- Teach Kids Peace VS palestinian Evil parents & Teachers Cruelty on their Kids
- Palestinian Child Abuse Slideshow
- Guilty Palestinian Teachers/Parents
- PMW - Documenting the Horror of "Palestinian" Education and Mainstream Media
- 'Palestinian' Children: What are they being Taught? There will be a Jihad [Holy War]...
- CBC Radio Exposes Palestinian Indoctrination
- Palestinian Car Swarm Watch... that human-beings find repulsive. 'car swarms' are simply more proof of palestinian animalism. the palestinian is truly a sub-human species...
- A day after members of Palestinian factions mutilated the bodies of six IDF ... and heinous animalism, is by their CULT rather a pride and "celebration"...
- Washing Jihadi CRIMES with the "Palestinian" CRIME? 11) "Palestinian" unique ANIMALISM, the "way" the "Palestinian" savages kill (example: Life & Death in the Jungle
- The Palestinian Problem And then some Palestinian animals go and murder a pregnant Israeli woman and her four daughters and I feel that trying to talk to these people is pointless...
- Islamist group CAIR’s propaganda jihad Going after Don: Palestinians Called ‘Filthy Animals’
- Because they (the so called 'palestinians') need a Zoo keeper
- palestinian Animalism
- Hamas teaches kids to 'eat Jews'
- 'Palestinian' "street justice" system, their crimes on their own people 'Palestinians' Killing 'Palestinians' Proof of War Crimes Lynch
- Terror in the USA - The Palestinians Celebrate!
- Media aired True footage
- Palestinians Party on September 11
- Is violence Palestinian "disease"?-Hamas official ... Hamad's article follows a period of intense in-fighting, with some of the worst Palestinian-on-Palestinian violence since the formation of the Palestinian ...
- Death-worship of the Palestinian suicide bomber "We are saluting to the spirit of our hero Shahid ... Killing Jews is one "value." Death for deity is itself a value
- On the Muslim Culture of Death, Chief Palestinian Authority cleric Mufti Sheikh Ikrimeh Sabri stated, "We tell them, in as much as you love life, the Muslim loves death and martyrdom
- 'Palestinian' Celebration of love of death as superior to the Israeli love of life Choose life.
- The Cult of Death
- Israel Tears For Palestine Child, Hamas does not cry
- Myths & Facts
- Basic Facts
- Somebody Help
- ABC of the MidEast Conflict
- Presentations
- Have it Clearly!
- Historical & Investigative Research
- "Palestinian" Lies
- Smooth Stone
- Masada
- Mideast Reality
- Human Shields
- Palestinian Youth Sacrificed As Political Camera Fodder
- 10 killed as terrorists use human shields
- 'Palestinians' Hit a New Low, Setting up a Boy, Unknowingly, to become a Suicide Bomber
- Arab Terrorist’s Wife Used Baby to Hide Grenade
- Palestinian Children Die as Human Shields for Adult Terrorist Leaders
- Human Bombs, Human Shields - The United Nations & Israel
- 'Palestinian' Horrendous Tactics of Human Bombs
- Use of women...
- The Roots of Muslims' Hatred
- Use of ambulances for bombs...
- Human rights in Israel VS in the "palestinian" territories
- Palestinians Again Use Children for Terror Against Israel
- INA - Official "palestinian" leaders' exploiting gullible kids
- Myths and Facts abut the violence
- Arab Violence - shields
- UN's One Small Step
- Their crimes of basic intl. law
- Children Under Fire
- israeltoday; Human shields, replusive and criminal no matter your stand!
- "palestinian" War crimes
- PDF Documwent
- What they call "martyrs"
- Israel, the Scapegoat
- U.S. doctors: Palestinian intifada abusing children
- Kids - the main force of the Palestinian Front
- Palestinian Children Die As Human Shields For Adult Terrorist Leaders
- Israel Tears for 'Palestine' Child (May-21-2006) It was always the case, Arab Muslim leaders have been using/abusing their kids as human bombs,human shields or as general pawns in their propaganda war to smear Israeli defenders.
- "Palestinian" FAKE images industry
- "Palestinian" crimes at killing it's onw people in Gaza beach & their diabolical attempt to pin it on Israel via dirty tricks & fake footage
- The Hypocrisy and crocodile tears of 'Death Cult' - Arab Muslim "Palestinians", when somone over there dies
- (Townhall:) Victimhood, a Palestinian disease
- Faces of Victims
- Terror victims in Israel, victims of Arab Muslims' violence since the 1920's
- Israel White Paper
- The Muslim Waqf's Temple Mount Archaeological Destruction
- Project One Soul
- JR's pictorial - We Should Not Forget
- Gallery of Truth
- IsraelNow and Forever
- Stand With Us
- In Moral Defense of Israel
- Israel Is Moral
- Honest Reporting
- Internet Haganah
- Free Israel Now! - Free Israel from Arab Muslim Terrorism, Genocide, Apartheid boycott campaign, Racist monopoly via threats and oil power in the international arena & vast media, against Israel the victim


"Palestinian" Arab Muslim racism against blacks too!


The "Palestinian" Death Cult

'PALESTINIANS' MOST CRIMINAL USE OF OWN KIDS AS HUMAN SHIELDS (then they so hypocritically whine when their kids die???)
FAKE "palestinians", FAKE victims
on the ground
& in the media


Exploitating goodness
Exploiting our softness,
- 'America, You Lost,' Moussaoui Cries as He Gets Life
- How does Evil Smile?
- [At the trial of Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, convicted of instigating the 1993 World Trade Center bombing] FrontPage :: Inside the Mind of a (Confused) Terrorist Lawyer ...You have to be able to say, “This could happen to me. This could happen to someone I love. And I want lawyers to fully represent people.� ...
- All Four [of London] Bombing Suspects In Custody In a day of fast-moving developments, police arrested another man in ... I have rights!" a man shouted back, in an exchange...
- Captured - all five 21/7 bomb suspects - Britain - Times Online Three suspects were arrested in West London while a fourth man, thought to be the ... A witness said that they heard one of the men say: “I’ve got rights. ...
- Israeli victims after kind Israel gave the Arab Muslims of their own land, vital areas for security & safety buffer zones
seeing our goodness as weakness,
mistake of appeasement
Islamic Sex Jihad & Hypocrisy
- Innovative Jihad, He had sex with them even though the girls cried out in pain. ... An imam of Gaza city thought of an innovative way of Jihad of praying to Allah to dry out ...
- Sex: Jet Fuel for Jihad
- Sex Slaves Jihad
- Mullahs Turn Iran to Islamic Whorehouse, Shame on Iranians ...
- Terrorists love porn
- Iran's Sex Slaves Suffer Hideously Under Mullahs. ... The exposure of sex-slave networks in Iran has shown that many mullahs and officials are involved in ...
- Defendant in Egypt Gay Sex Trial Accused of Belonging to Jihad
- Sex in the kingdom: The podcast
- Muslim hypocrisy: polygamy-harems- sex tourism and slavery in ...
- The Wahabbi Fifth Column
- TREASON charge to be brought against U.S. (Muslim) citizen for aiding terrorists
- Islamists' Treason - US
- “The War is On� - Back stabbers in Europe
- Britain: Disloyal Muslims Should Leave Britain.
- Dhimmi Watch: Western Muslims' Racist Rape SpreeKeysar Trad, vice-president of the Australian Lebanese Muslim ... You know, if Aussie government are unwilling to prevent Jihad rape of its white women...
- Muslim, Former Sailor Arrested on Terror Charge, Abujihaad, who is also known as Paul R. Hall, is charged in the same case as Babar Ahmad, a British computer specialist accused of running Web sites to raise money for terrorism. He is schedule be extradited to the U.S. to face trial. Abujihaad was arrested in Phoenix on charges of supporting terrorism with an intent to kill U.S. citizens and transmitting classified information to unauthorized people.
- Mosque Leaders Sentenced in Terror Sting
- Poll: Traitors MUSLIMS put ISLAM FIRST above UK, Many British Muslims Put Islam First, NRO: Survey Shows Many Are More Loyal To Fellow Muslims Outside U.K. Thirty percent of British Muslims would prefer to live under Sharia (Islamic religious) law than under British law.
- Poll shows Muslims in Britain are the most anti-western in Europe
- lgf: Fifth Column Watch
- Woman Accused of Aiding Terrorist to Testify
- A Lebanese-born Swede has been charged in a plot to set up a terrorist training camp in Oregon...
- The Case of the Dirty Bomber -- Jose Padilla
- Ga. Student Indicted on Terrorism Charge
- London Muslims urged to shun police
- American Muslims say Islam First! (2006)
Some articles
- CAIR Identified by the FBI as part of the Muslim Brotherhood's Palestine Committee
- CAIR's Al Qeada Link Exposed
- Arab Lobby (Groups) The Arab lobby consists of those groups and individuals that directly and indirectly seek to influence American policy to support Arab interests both in the U.S. and abroad
Some Key Posts
- Why most Arab Muslims are guilty!
- HISTORY - Time line, [Some] Important dates in radical ISLAM VS WORLD
- Why we can never lump anti-Islamism, anti- Islamic feelings or Islamophobia with racism & general bigotry
- It's not what we in the west DO But what they're (Jihadists) being TAUGHT to DO
- The BLOOD Cult - The Arab Muslim sick love affair with bloody graphic photos of dead kids
- The Fascism in Mainstream Islam
- Ah! The 'WONDERS OF ISLAM', Knocks you socks off!
- ISLAMOFASCISM 101 - The very Appropreiated term
- A Tip Of The Iceberg of monstrous Ahmadinejad / Islamic Republic of Iran
- A SATANIC CULT CALLED 'PALESTINIANS, dancing to pain & suffering of the innocent but weep for the bloodthirsty butchers
- HISTORY - Time Line [some] Important Dates in radical 'ISLAM VS WORLD'
- Most brutal dictator of our time SADDAM w/ Quran, devout Muslim (just like Idi Amin)
- The most evil combination of Arab racism & Islamic Jihad on Sudan & on Israel
- Islamic Genocide, past & present
- Islamic 'Palestinian' war on Christians
- Islamic Republic of Iran's persecution of the Kurds
- Syria's oppression of the Kurds
- Islamofascism, the broader, wider & deep reality, (research) How radical Islam makes you a fascist
- Rape Jihad, Gang Rape Jihad
- To be a "good" Muslim
- Photos:: Muslim Palestinians Systematic Criminal use of it's women and children as human shields
- Countries, people, around the world attacked by the Islamic Republic of Iran (and CAIR's spin)
- Links, info on the 'Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week'
- ISLAMIC APARTHEID [Islam's Apartheid, Muslims Apartheid, Apartheid in Arab world, in Muslim world]
- Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - The Islamic Hitler
- Louis Farrakhan / Nation of Islam: Hatred, racism - Fascism - Pro-slavery - Advocating genocide
- Islamofascism Incorporated [architect of Islamic genocide:] al-Bashir's allies: Ahmadinejad, Farrakhan, "Palestinians," Erdogan, Gaddafi
- Highlights of the racist Arab, Islamic fascist, butcher, brutal dictator: Muammar Gadhafi (Muammar Gaddafi - Al-Gadhafi - Qaddafi - Mu'ammar Al-Qaddafi)
- Because Arab - 'Palestine" is worse than any "apartheid", because Arab - "Palestine" means Genocide
- The Islamo Arab goliath Mafia Lobby Worldwide
- Time for "mom" Islamic world to clean it's house, How to win Islamists' war on the world
- True Hard Facts, no one can argue with
- How Arab Muslim Goliath Controls, Corrupts World policies & Media
- A Crime called "conspiracy theories"
- Quranic Torture
- The Islamic Crime of Pushing '911 conspiracy theories' ["truthers" - Rewriting Muslims' perpertrated massacre of 3,000 people on 9/11/2001]
- The Twin Fascisms: Arabism & Islamism
- Muslim 'Palestinians' persecution of Christians
- Iran's Threatening Global Mehdi (Mahdi) Army
- The Iranian-Syrian backed Islamist Hezbollah Monster
- Prostitution Jihad
- Organized Crimes Jihad - Islamic Crime & Islamic Jihad
- The Arabs that pushed us to war in Iraq, Where are they now?
- The Arab world's hatred, racism, & Islamofascism's Jihad drive to isolate, hurt and demonize Israel
- A glimpse into the world of Islamic Sex Crimes & International Sex Market, including Children for sex, some is used to finance Jihad
- Arab Racism Even when being a Minority
- Islamic Pedophilia & it's use for Jihad & to Oppress
- Arabs, Muslims Crimes on their own people (including on palestinian-Arabs & how they blame others)
- How does evil smile?
- The beauty & the beast
- Sharia Ear plugs
- 10 Highlighted problems with mainstream Islam
- Turkey to the EU? Why Yes?
- "Palestinian" crimes at killing it's onw people in Gaza beach & their diabolical attempt to pin it on Israel via dirty tricks & fake footage
- Islamists' Treason - US
- Adolf Hitler /Nazis hated Arabs as an inferior "race", yet praised Islam in its 'war like' TOTALITARIAN ideology, He saw them as a great tool to be used against the Jews
- Some of Arab Muslims Massacres, Terror & Genocide, before Israel was Re-established
- Arab Racism, [Arabization, Arabism, Islamism - Islamofascism, Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing, etc,]
- How radical Islam makes one a bigot religiously, a racist ethnically
- April 2006
- May 2006
- June 2006
- July 2006
- August 2006
- September 2006
- October 2006
- November 2006
- December 2006
- January 2007
- February 2007
- March 2007
- April 2007
- May 2007
- June 2007
- July 2007
- August 2007
- September 2007
- October 2007
- November 2007
- December 2007
- January 2008
- February 2008
- March 2008
- May 2008
- June 2008
- July 2008
- August 2008
- September 2008
- October 2008
- November 2008
- December 2008
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- February 2009
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Symbolic Truth Middle East Graphics site
Thank you Oriana!
Penetrating Insights into the Obvious -
Obsession - radical Islam's war against the west on YouTube
Jihad Watch
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Technorati - Freedom 911 Al Qaida Al Qaeda Al Qaida Bin Laden Al Zarqawi Anti west Anti American Intolerance Terrorist oganization Hamas 'palestinian' propaganda Al Aqsa Alaqsa 'palestinian' terrorism Suicide bombing Saddam Hussein Torture chambers WTC bombing Homicide bombing London bombing Bali bombing Beheading Abu Sayyaf Honor killing Muslim clerics Mullahs Islamic Hitler Iran Regime Ahmedinejad Iran nukes Human rights War on terror jihad Sudan genocide Islamic slavery Arab slave masters Genocide bombing Anti Israel bias Arab racism Anti Israel racism Islamofacsism Conflict Israel Islamic Jihad Hamas "palestinian" cruelty "palestinian" Savagery "Palestine" "Palestinians" Israelis Jewish refugees Victims of terror Moderates Islam Radical Islam Militants Arab occupation Arab Muslims Indoctrination Arab hatred Muslim hatred 'Palestinian' hatred 'Palestinian' Child abuse Jewish refugees Death cult 'Palestinian' human shields 'Palestinian' human bombs Arab oil lobby Arab oil mafia Islamic Aparthied Ethnic cleansing Passover massacre MuslimArabsArab atrocities Damour massacre Hebron massacre Politically correct Muhammad "palestinian" propaganda "Palestinians" Netanya massacre Hamas Abu Sayaaf Beheading Honor killing Jerusalem massacre Passover massacre Bus bombing Islamists Mufti Koran Quran Radical Islam Islam Islamophobia Beslan massacre CAIR Islamic phobia Sharia Fatwa Mullah Kafir Infidels Islamofascism Islamic fascism Whabbism Whabbist Wahabbi Saudi Arabia Islamofacism "religion of peace" Huzbullah Arabism Ahmadinejad Appeasement Apes & pigs Islamic Cruelty Treason Iraq Iran Syria Lebanon Pakistan Afghanistan Nukes India
Saudi Arabia
Coptic Taliban Thailand Human shields ]
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