Thursday, April 19, 2007
Virginia Tech Shooter - ISMAIL AX
Virginia Tech Shooter - ISMAIL AX
David J. Jonsson
April 17, 2007
There are many theories being proposed as to the meaning of the words -- ISMAIL AX found written in red ink on the inside of one of Cho Seung-Hui, a 23-year-old senior’s arms, the gunman suspected of carrying out the Virginia Tech massacre that left 33 people dead. See: VA. TECH KILLER REVEALED.
I would propose for consideration thatthe ISMAIL AX may have reference to Ismaili - a member of a branch ofShiism that follows a living imam and is noted for esoteric philosophy. It maytake a while before the motives are known and if there is any relation betweenCho and the Islmaili sect of Shiism.
However, the Leftist Islamist Allianceremains in tact.
On April 15, 2007, Chuck Neubauer and Robin Fields writing in the Los Angeles Times article Campaign donor's cash arrived with real baggage:
On a sun-dappled October afternoon, Ray Jinnah stood besidehis Bel Air swimming pool to address 60 guests gathered for his latestfundraiser, a 2004 affair for New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton.”
“Jinnah belonged to Los Angeles’ small Ismaili community, Shiite Muslims whose spiritualleader is the Aga Khan. Other Ismailis said he used political connections toraise his status, inviting them to his events.”
“Then-LosAngeles Mayor James Hahn was there, along with then-City Council President Alex Padilla. Both had received backing from Jinnah, a Pakistani businessman positioninghimself as a player in Democratic fundraising and organizer of support forPakistan on Capitol Hill.”
“As capturedon a DVD he distributed to guests, Jinnah introduced Clinton, whose politicalaction committee would take in $45,000 through his efforts.”
“By 2004, Jinnah had cemented hisparty ties. He and his family, who had moved to Bel-Air, personally contributed$122,000 to Democratic candidates and causes that year alone.”
"I'm just recalling how closeI've been with the Clinton family and those nights, movies, dinners, lunches inthe White House," he said in unsteady English.
“Atabout the same time, the Justice Department began investigating allegationsthat Jinnah’s fundraising on behalf of Clinton and others was illegal. He wouldlater be charged with violating federal law by reimbursing employees andassociates for contributions made in their names to Clinton’s HillPac and theFriends of Barbara Boxer campaign. Today, having fled the country, Jinnah is on the FBI’s “featured fugitives” list.”
Bernard Lewis in his book The Assassins: A Radical Sect in Islam tacklesand persuasively debunks most of the popular legends about the Assassins, suchas the claim that their Grand Master secured the fanatical loyalty of his youngfollowers by drugging them with narcotics and then conveying them for shortperiods to an artificial "paradise" of his own creation that wasstaffed by sensuous and accommodating young women. Lewis instead finds that amore straightforward (and plausible) explanation for the willingness of theAssassins' fida' is to offer themselves up for suicidal missions: religiouspassion and commitment to the Nizari community.
Lewis's elegant account will thus introduce you toan intriguing period of medieval Islamic history, one populated by a collectionof memorable figures - the brilliant and ascetic Assassin leader Hassani-Sabah, the real founder of the Order; the "Old Man of theMountain," Sinan, who commanded the Order's Syrian branch during the mostcritical years of the Crusades; Saladin, who was at different times both atarget and an ally of the Assassins; Hulegu, the grandson of Genghis Khan, whofinally succeeded where the Seljuks had failed, rooting out the Order from itsmountaintop fortresses and then ordering mass exterminations of itscommunicants; and last but not least, Marco Polo, to whose vivid tales can beascribed much of the lingering fascination that continues to surround theAssassins.
Ismailis are a Muslim Shiite sect that holds Ismail, the son ofJafar as-Sadiq, as its imam. On the death of the sixth imam of the Shiites,Jafar as-Sadiq (d. 765), the majority of Shiites accepted Musa al-Kazim, theyounger son of Jafar, as seventh imam. Those who remained faithful to Ismail,the eldest son, soon evolved the belief that Ismail was endowed with aninfallible gift for interpreting the inner meaning of the revelation. The firstsuccess of the Ismaili movement was the establishment of the Qarmat state in East Arabia. Ismaili missionaries and its political organization also mobilized a networkof North African tribes to support the Fatimid claim to the caliphate in Egypt and several regions of the Mediterranean.
On March30, 2007, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi said that it was a mistake to believethat Christianity was a universal faith alongside Islam according to the Reuters correspondent Salah Sarrar writing from AGADEZ, Niger. See: Gaddafi says only Islam a universal religion.
"There are seriousmistakes -- among them the one saying that Jesus came as a messenger for otherpeople other than the sons of Israel," he told a mass prayer meeting in Niger.
"Christianity is nota faith for people in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas. Other people whoare not sons of Israel have nothing to do with that religion," he said atthe prayer meeting, held to mark the birth of the prophet Mohammed.
Gaddafi, who is seeking to expand his influence in Africa, said his arguments came from the Qur’an. He led similar prayers last year in Mali.
On March 31, 2007, Qaddafi called, in a speech in Niger to Tuareg tribal leaders, for the establishment ofa second Shi'ite Fatimid state in North Africa, after the model of the10th-13th century empire that ruled North Africa, Egypt, and parts of the Fertile Crescent. In his speech, Qaddafi denounced the division of Muslims into Sunni and Shi'ite as a colonialist plot, and rebuked the Arab League members for "hating Iran" according to the article In Overture to Iran, Qaddafi Declares North Africa Shi'iteand Calls for Establishment of New Fatimid State by MEMRISpecial Dispatch Series – No 1535 of April 6, 2007.
"The Fatimid state arose in the beginning ofthe 10th century, and it formed an umbrella over North Africa, and under itsbanner all of the tribal, denominational, political, and ethnic differencesfused, and they all became one single Fatimid identity, which lasted 260 yearsand extended as far as the Arab East.
Islam has a long history of using terror as apolitical instrument. The most famous of these was the ‘Fort of the Assassins’of the founder of the Ismaili order.
Terrorism, bywhich we mean the threat and use of violence against innocents, has a longtradition in Islam going back to Prophet Muhammad himself according to N.S.Rajaram in the article: Grandmasters Of Terror.
The most famous of the Islamic terroristorganizations was the Nizari Ismailiyun, a Shiite politico-religious sect,founded in 1094 by Hasan-e Sabah. He and his followers captured the hillfortress of Almaut in northern Iran, which became their base of operations.Hasan styled himself Grand Master and went on to set up a network of terroriststrongholds in Iran and Iraq. He had trained assassins, most of whom accordingto Marco Polo were drug addicts. According to Marco Polo, young boys capturedby the Grand Master were turned into addicts by giving them progressively largedoses of the drug hashish. This way they were totally dependent on him andwould do anything in return for hashish. They came to be known as hashishin,from which get the word ‘assassin.’ So the use of narcotics in terrorism isnothing new.
Some historians doubt Polo’s account, but itis difficult to believe that he made up the whole thing. What is not in doubt,however, is the fact that Hasan-e Sabah and his successor Grand Masterscommanded an army of assassins who spread terror among the people in Iran and Iraq. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, The Grand Master had “a corps ofdevoted terrorists, and an unknown number of agents in enemy camps and cities,who claimed many victims among the generals and statesmen of the Abbasidcaliphate as well as several caliphs.”
The Nizari Ismaliyun or the Order of the Assassins expanded into Syria after its founder’s death. In the 12th century, Rashid ad-Din as-Sinan,famous as the ‘Old Man of the Mountain,’ set himself up as an independent GrandMaster of the Assassin Order in the impregnable castle of Masyaf in Syria. Forover a century and a half, from 1094 to 1256, these Grandmasters and theirassassins spread terror throughout the Middle East. Their end came at the handsof the Mongol warriors of Haleku Khan—the grandson of Chengis Khan. He capturedand destroyed assassin strongholds in Iran one by one, and finally Almautitself in 1256. Two years later, in February 1258, Haleku’s soldiers sacked Baghdad itself and ended the Caliphate by executing the Abbasid Caliph al-Mustasim and hissons. So, the main result of the activities of the Assassins was the end of theCaliphate.
Inmore recent times, terror was used to gain political ends by Mohammed Ali Jinnah. In 1946, his call for ‘Direct Action’ in support of his demand for Pakistan led to street riots all across North India. The Congress party, which had won the electionby promising that it would not allow India to be divided, capitulated andagreed to the Partition of India.
Inall this, there is an almost religious belief that terrorism pays. In thePakistani official manual The Quranic Concept of War by Brigadier Malik,it is explicitly stated: "Terror struck into the hearts of the enemy isnot only a means; it is the end in itself. Once a condition of terror into theopponent's heart is obtained, hardly anything is left to be achieved... Terroris not a means of imposing decision upon the enemy; it is the decision we wishto impose upon him.”
Theauthority for this is the Qur’an (Anfal 59-60): “Against them make ready yourstrength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terrorinto the enemies of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may notknow, but whom Allah doth know.”
The Ismaili Students’Association operates on many campuses.
David J. Jonsson is the author of Clash of Ideologies —The Making of
the Christian and Islamic Worlds, Xulon Press 2005. His new book: Islamic Economics and the Final
Jihad: The Muslim Brotherhood to the Leftist/Marxist - Islamist Alliance
(Salem Communications (May 30, 2006). He received his undergraduate and graduate
degrees in physics. He worked for major corporations in the United States and
Japan and with multilateral agencies that brought him to more that fifteen
countries with significant or majority populations who are Muslim. These
exposures provided insight into the basic tenants of Islam as a political,
economic and religious system. He became proficient in Islamic law (Shariah)
through contract negotiation and personal encounter. David can be reached at:
Technorati - American Muslims Virginia shooting Massacre Infiltration Ismail Ax Terrorism Jihad Muslims Islamofascism Islam Caliphate Theories
Labels: American Jihad, American Muslims, Caliphate, islamofascism
Monday, April 16, 2007
The mass Kidnapping, Intimidation of the death cult "palestine"
The mass Kidnapping, Intimidation of the death cult "palestine" Ironic Palestinian Kidnapping Watch The Politics of Intimidation: Kidnapping... (2007) Gaza area has seen 15 journalists abducted since 2004: CPJ research (April 2007) UN aide attacked in Gaza (March 16 2007) IDF warns against hitchhiking, citing terror kidnapping alerts ... (April 2007),7340,L-3347997,00.html Gaza infighting: 5 killed, 10 kidnapped (January 2007) Palestinians Kidnap Israeli-Arab in Gaza April 8, 2007 Palestinians kidnap BBC reporter Jerusalem Post (April 2007) Palestinian Gunmen Kidnap French Civilians in Gaza GAZA (Reuters) - Masked Palestinian gunmen kidnapped three French civilians in the southern Gaza town of Khan Younis Friday (July 16 2004) Palestinians Kidnap two Fox News Reporters: Reuters Spins It ... (2006) Palestinians kidnap Italian journalist in Gaza (Sep, 2005) Palestinians kidnap UK Human Rights Workers [Archive] (Dec. 2005) Palestinians kidnap Steve Centanni(2006) Fox News Journalists Kidnapped in Gaza,2933,210645,00.html Captors Release Two FOX News Journalists Kidnapped ... Olaf Wiig and Steve Centanni were released Sunday, after nearly two weeks ... "We were forced to convert to Islam at gunpoint," Centanni told FOX News Palestinian gunmen release US student after 24 hours - Independent (2006) GAZA, Palestinian gunmen kidnapped a Spanish photographer working for the Associated Press in Gaza, keeping him captive nearly 13 hours before pressure from Palestinian officials secured his release. Emilio Morenatti, 37, was grabbed by four (October 2006) Update: Kidnapped Spanish Aid Worker Released In Gaza (October 30, 2006) PALESTINE: News photographer kidnapped in Gaza City Reuters AlertNet - Photographer, Palestinian gunmen abducted in Gaza... held a Spanish aid worker and a photographer working for the Associated Press ... Palestinian militants release U.S. hostage abducted in NablusPalestinian militants release U.S. hostage abducted in Nablus [Michael Philips] abducted in Nablus (2006) Hunt for kidnapped Egyptian diplomat [by Palestinians] (Feb 2006) Following the raid, armed Palestinians kidnapped at least nine foreigners in the West Bank and Gaza. (March 15 2006) Israeli physician kidnapped, murdered ... (July 2006) Peruvian Journalist [Peruvian photographer Jaime Razuri] Is Seized in Gaza (January 2 2007)
Technorati - 'palestinian' terrorism War on terror Terror victims 'palestinian' propaganda jihad Genocide bombing Anti Israel bias Arab racism Anti Israel racism Islamofacsism Conflict Israel "Palestine" "Palestinians" Israelis Good VS evil Israel "Palestine" 101 Jewish refugees Moderates Islam Radical Islam Militants Arab occupation PLO Arab Muslims Indoctrination Arab hatred Muslim hatred 'Palestinian' hatred Indoctrination 'Palestinian' Child abuse Death cult 'Palestinian' human shields 'Palestinian' human bombs Arab oil lobby Arab oil mafia Islamic Aparthied Ethnic cleansing Hebron massacre Arab atrocities Damour massacre Hebron massacre Politically correct Hebron massacre "Palestinian" propaganda Arab propaganda Arafat Al Aqsa Al Aqsa martyrs brigade Fatah Hamas Arab racism mufti Islamic Jihad Jerusalem Jihad Holyland Netanya bombing Jerusalem bombing Passover massacre Jerusalem massacre Death cult Israeli democracy Jenin hoax Abu Abbas IDF IDF Moral Achila lauro Arafat Black September Damour Arafat Yasser Arafat IDF Humanitarian IDF Moral Israel humanitarianMunich 1972 Gaza beach hoax Gaza Self defense Security Human shields Wall Fence Arabism Civil war Info 'Palestinian' Drama Language Kidnapping Alan Johnston Journalists Spanish Italians BBC Pallywood
Labels: "palestine", Arab racism, arabs, Death cult, hijacking, Islamic Jihad, islamofascism, kidnapping, muslims, palestinian tactics, palestinian Terrorism, Palestinians, War crimes, war on terror
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Muslims believed behind bombing of Gaza Christian bookstore
Christians in the "Palestinian Authority" are deemed enemies who need to be brought, through persuasion, terrorism or violence, into submission to ...
Technorati - 'palestinian' terrorism War on terror Terror victims 'palestinian' propaganda jihad Genocide bombing Anti Israel bias Arab racism Anti Israel racism Islamofacsism Conflict Israel "Palestine" "Palestinians" Israelis Good VS evil Israel "Palestine" 101 Jewish refugees Moderates Islam Radical Islam Militants Arab occupation PLO Arab Muslims Indoctrination Arab hatred Muslim hatred 'Palestinian' hatred Indoctrination 'Palestinian' Child abuse Death cult 'Palestinian' human shields 'Palestinian' human bombs Arab oil lobby Arab oil mafia Islamic Aparthied Ethnic cleansing Hebron massacre Arab atrocities Damour massacre Hebron massacre Politically correct Hebron massacre "Palestinian" propaganda Arab propaganda Arafat Al Aqsa Al Aqsa martyrs brigade Fatah Hamas Arab racism mufti Islamic Jihad Jerusalem Jihad Holyland Netanya bombing Jerusalem bombing Passover massacre Jerusalem massacre Death cult Israeli democracy Jenin hoax Abu Abbas IDF IDF Moral Achila lauro Arafat Black September Damour Arafat Yasser Arafat IDF Humanitarian IDF Moral Israel humanitarianMunich 1972 Gaza beach hoax Gaza Self defense Security Human shields Wall Fence Arabism Civil war Info 'Palestinian' Drama Language Christians Book stores Islamic Apartheid Pallywood
Labels: arabs, christian persecution, Christians, Islamic Apartheid, Islamic Inquizition, islamofascism, Israel, jihad, muslims, non Muslims, Palestinians
Thursday, April 12, 2007
ALAN JOHNSTON BBC PETITION [held by vicious "palestinian" kidnapping cult]
BBC News, UK -
BBC News website users have written in their thousands to demand the release of BBC Gaza correspondent Alan Johnston. Mr Johnston disappeared on 12 March
Technorati - 'palestinian' terrorism War on terror Terror victims 'palestinian' propaganda jihad Genocide bombing Anti Israel bias Arab racism Anti Israel racism Islamofacsism Conflict Israel "Palestine" "Palestinians" Israelis Good VS evil Israel "Palestine" 101 Jewish refugees Moderates Islam Radical Islam Militants Arab occupation PLO Arab Muslims Indoctrination Arab hatred Muslim hatred 'Palestinian' hatred Indoctrination 'Palestinian' Child abuse Death cult 'Palestinian' human shields 'Palestinian' human bombs Arab oil lobby Arab oil mafia Islamic Aparthied Ethnic cleansing Hebron massacre Arab atrocities Damour massacre Hebron massacre Politically correct Hebron massacre "Palestinian" propaganda Arab propaganda Arafat Al Aqsa Al Aqsa martyrs brigade Fatah Hamas Arab racism mufti Islamic Jihad Jerusalem Jihad Holyland Netanya bombing Jerusalem bombing Passover massacre Jerusalem massacre Death cult Israeli democracy Jenin hoax Abu Abbas IDF IDF Moral Achila lauro Arafat Black September Damour Arafat Yasser Arafat IDF Humanitarian IDF Moral Israel humanitarianMunich 1972 Gaza beach hoax Gaza Self defense Security Human shields Wall Fence Arabism Civil war Info 'Palestinian' Drama Language Kidnapping Alan Johnston BBC Pallywood
Labels: Arab racism, arabs, Death cult, gaza, islamofascism, Israel, kidnapping, muslims, Palestinians
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Why is it so hard to believe that Arab “Palestinians” murdered Rachel Corrie in cold blood to make her a “hero symbol”?
Why is it so hard to believe that Arab “Palestinians” murdered Rachel Corrie in cold blood to make her a “hero symbol”?
If they do it with their own kids like Muhammad Al Dura.
Rachel Corrie Palestinian Propaganda
How do we know where she was killed? The Palestinians are quite capable of murdering her themselves, looking for more propaganda? Who is Rachel Corrie? ...
Who killed Rachel Corrie?Rachel Corrie, the Olympia, Wash., college student killed trying to protect a Palestinian house – a house, remember, not even a human being – against an ...
Who Killed Rachel Corrie?
American college student Rachel Corrie was tragically killed
Rachel Corrie, One Year Later by Steven ...The one-year anniversary of the demise of Rachel Corrie has not passed ... Later other ISM activists were also injured when they put themselves in...
Tom Gross on The Forgotten Rachels “My Name is Rachel Corrie,” a new play based on the writings of the young American radical who was accidentally killed during an anti-Israeli demonstration ...
CAMERA: From Tragedy to Propaganda; Rachel Corrie and ISM. Rachel Corrie
Who Killed Muhammad Al-Dura? Blood Libel — Model 2000, by Amnon LordWho Killed Muhammad Al-Dura? Blood Libel — Model 2000, by Amnon Lord.
Who killed Mohammed al-Dura?
Question: Is the possibility that Mohammed al-Dura was killed by a zealous Palestinian prepared to send the boy to a glorious life in heaven in return for ...
A Terrible Crime
Images from the video footage of 12-year-old Muhammad al-Durrah being shot dead in the Gaza ... For further information see:. Who killed Mohammed al-Dura? ...
The Atlantic June 2003 Who Shot Mohammed al-Dura? Fallows Al-Dura was the twelve-year-old Palestinian boy shot and killed during an ... “that Muhammad Al-Dura was not killed by IDF gunfire at Netzarim junction. ...
Technorati - 'palestinian' terrorism War on terror Terror victims 'palestinian' propaganda jihad Genocide bombing Anti Israel bias Arab racism Anti Israel racism Islamofacsism Conflict Israel "Palestine" "Palestinians" Israelis Good VS evil Israel "Palestine" 101 Jewish refugees Moderates Islam Radical Islam Militants Arab occupation PLO Arab Muslims Indoctrination Arab hatred Muslim hatred 'Palestinian' hatred Indoctrination 'Palestinian' Child abuse Death cult 'Palestinian' human shields 'Palestinian' human bombs Arab oil lobby Arab oil mafia Islamic Aparthied Ethnic cleansing Hebron massacre Arab atrocities Damour massacre Hebron massacre Politically correct Hebron massacre "Palestinian" propaganda Arab propaganda Arafat Al Aqsa Al Aqsa martyrs brigade Fatah Hamas Arab racism mufti Islamic Jihad Jerusalem Jihad Holyland Netanya bombing Jerusalem bombing Passover massacre Jerusalem massacre Death cult Israeli democracy Jenin hoax Abu Abbas IDF IDF Moral Achila lauro Arafat Black September Damour Arafat Yasser Arafat IDF Humanitarian IDF Moral Israel humanitarianMunich 1972 Gaza beach hoax Gaza Self defense Security Human shields Wall Fence Arabism Civil war Info 'Palestinian' Drama Language Kidnapping Rachel Corrie Corrie Pallywood
Labels: anti israel bias, anti Israel bigotry, Appeasement, Arab racism, arabs, Corrie, islamofascism, Israel, muslims, Palestinians, Propaganda, Rachel Corrie, war on terror
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Should the Islamic World Apologize For Slavery?
Should the Islamic World Apologize For Slavery? – Part Three (of 3)
Exclusive: Should the Islamic World Apologize For Slavery? – Part Three (of 3)
Adrian Morgan
Author: Adrian Morgan
Source: The Family Security Foundation, Inc.
Date: April 3, 2007



Labels: Africa, American Muslims, Arab racism, Islamic Apartheid, islamic slavery, non Muslims, Slavery