Monday, April 16, 2012
Butcher fascist Baathist Assad ties Arabism and Islamism
Assad's Baathist fascist, racist regime is backed by the supremacist for 'Greater Syria,' the infamous SSNP. The latest crackdown has claimed over 10,000 people, scores were tortured to death, especially children.
Straight from the horse's mouth about Arabism and Islamism:
President al-Assad meets Levant Scholars\' Union delegation ... Last Update: 11-04-2012 11:59PM Syrian Radio & TV OnlineSource, official Syrian government's monitored site:
As for extremism, the President said that there is nothing called extremism in Islam, adding "Islam is extremist in good and amity and in regards to organizing societies, promoting and developing them."
On Islam and Arabism, President al-Assad went on to say that a lot of Arab Muslims have separated Arabism form Islam while the non-Arab Muslim is still linking the two notions.. wondering how we separate the Arabism of the Prophet Mohammad from Islam, and how we separate the holy Quran from Arabism and its Arab and Islamic context while the Prophet had boasted of his Arabism and belonging to Quraish.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Murderer of RFK, Sirhan, Islamized Arab "Christian," an IslamoChristian
Assassination of Robert Kennedy (RFK) by Arab "Palestinian" Sirhan Sirhan, motivated by clear Arab racism[*].
It was the first[*] Arab terror attack on US soil.[*] He was active in Pro-Arab college organization,[*] the 'Organization of Arab students.' The Arab Higher Committee for Palestine, in Beirut, has instructed its New York office to offer "all possible assistance" to Sirhan.[*] His "Christian" family was of a 'Muslim atmosphere,'[*] (in a predominantly Muslim village[*]) and he was indoctrinated into anti-Jewish hatred [and Arab victimhood] through Jordanian textbooks. The texbooks demonize Jews as "animals," etc., and call to "liberate" Muslim 'holy places,' and Muslim land. He said he was inspired by a teacher who spoke about the Arab Muslim warrior Saladin.[*]
He was denied parole in 2011, as he showed no remorse for his crime.[*][*]
Wednesday, April 04, 2012
Islamonazism: non-Aryan Arabs draw Nazi cartoons
This title is telling: 'Hooked nose racist Arabs paint hooked noses?'
Racist extremist Arab Helen Thomas
Nazi Arab Mohamed Merah
These extremist Arabs, (or Iranian or Turkish) who were regarded by Hitler as momkeys, now copy Hitleristic cartoons against Jews?
Antisemitism in the Arab and Muslim World and its Influence on Muslim Communities Abroad Jan 22, 2008 – Jews and Israelis are portrayed as stooped, hook-nosed and money-hungry, as snakes (a particularly nefarious figure in the Arab world) bent ...
Anti-Semitic Incitement in the Arab Media - Anti-Semitic Cartoon - ADL The stereotypical Jew, with his long beard and hooked nose, is a common image used by the ...
The Arab Media’s Portrayal of Jews - ADL Feb 7, 2006 – Anti-Semitism in the Arab/Muslim World ... The caricatures show Jews as Nazi-like, hooked nosed and clad in stereotypical black hats and ...
Cartoons from the Arab World A selection of cartoons from the media of seven Arab countries (Jordan, Qatar, Saudi ... This Nazi-type anti-Semitic caricature of a Jew has a hooked nose,
Ignoring History’s Lessons on Hate Anti-Semites once again get a free pass from Foggy Bottom. By Rafael Medoff March 28, 2008 4:00 A.M. [...] The omission is especially surprising because just a few days ago, the American Jewish Committee released a study showing the PA’s schoolbooks characterize Jews in “hateful” and “derogatory” language, cite the Protocols of Elders of Zion as a legitimate source of historical information, and omit any mention of the Holocaust. (State’s report did contain one vague mention of the fact that in the 1990s, Holocaust denial “became commonplace in popular media in the Middle East, particularly in the Palestinian Authority” — without any acknowledgment that most of that so-called “popular media” is government-controlled).
The State Department’s report defined anti-Semitism as including “allegations about Jews such as . . . Jews controlling the media” and “drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to the Nazis” (pp. 6-7). Yet among the numerous anti-Semitic cartoons that the report reprints, one did not find, for example, the August 13, 2007 cartoon in the official PA newspaper, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, of a hook-nosed Jew with prominent side-curls controlling the Arab media, or the March 4 cartoon, titled “Gaza’s Holocaust,” featuring an Israeli attack helicopter with its propeller in the shape of a swastika. (Expanding on that theme, a new Holocaust Exhibit has just opened in Gaza, featuring depictions of Israel throwing Arab babies into crematoria.
Faced with Hostility at U.N. Forum, Jewish Activists Seek to Place Blame By Michael J. Jordan [September 5, 2001] DURBAN, South Africa, Sep. 4 (JTA) [...] On the grounds of the U.N. conference itself, the Arab Lawyers Union distributed pamphlets filled with grotesque caricatures of hook-nosed Jews depicted as Nazis, spearing Palestinian children, dripping blood from their fangs, with missiles bulging from their eyes or with pots of money nearby. Attempts to have the group's U.N. accreditation revoked were refused.
Israel Apartheid Week kicks off The Telegraph JTA Mar 2, 2009 – ... the school’s Muslim Students’ Association put up a series of posters near a ... Another featured a caricature of a hooked-nosed Hasidic Jew with a star of David, pointing a bazooka at the nose of an Arab carrying a slingshot; Campuses awash in tension over Israel apartheid week Mar 2, 2009
Symposium: They’re Back: The Nazi Posters May 30, 2008 – The Muslim Students Association is one of those groups — and its ..... to say, an evil spider spreading its legs over the world, hook-nosed clerics ...
2008 Human Rights Report: Iran Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor 2008 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices Report February 25, 2009 [...] On September 26, a Holocaust denial book by student members of the Basij was released. The cover depicted a hook-nosed Jew dressed in traditional Jewish clothing drawing outlines of dead bodies on the ground. Inside pages pictured bearded Jews leaving and re-entering a gas chamber with a counter reading 5,999,999. Another picture showed a hospital patient covered in an Israeli flag and on life support, breathing lethal Zyklon-B gas used in the Holocaust.
My Encounter With the Enemy in Milwaukee By: David Horowitz Tuesday, May 13, 2008. While waiting to speak at the University of ... At the top of the page was an anti-Semitic caricature of a Jew in the classic style familiar from the Nazi posters of the 1930s, which have become ubiquitous in the Arab world. The Jew in the caricature was standing in a garbage can with the cover on his head, dressed in a Nazi uniform, with an armband marked “H” for “Horowitz,” and the caption read “Horowitz Awareness Week.” This is the central of the tropes of the Muslim Students’ Association campaign on college campuses across the country: Jews are Nazis. “Bring your white sheets and brown shirts and COME ON DOWN! Flaming crosses and Stars of David will be supplied to those who arrive early.”
On the side of the garbage one can read a series of slanders about me that have been given currency by radical professors and the secular left on college campuses: “Muzzling Academics, Blacklisting, Hate Mongering, Race Baiting, Spying…” The flyer describes me as an “Israeli apologist and Judeofascist, and claims that I ran an ad in the university newspaper “alleging that a UWM student group, the Muslim Students’ Association, is an extremist organization engaged in violent jihad.” Hooked nose Arabs paint hooked noses? - Author Derided by ‘Muslim Students Association’ in Anti Semitic Cartoon ToTheCenter - 2008
Author Derided by Muslim Students in Anti Semitic Cartoon
Author David Horowitz responded today to his recent controversy at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. David Horowitz, a popular conservative writer, was derided in a Nazi-like anti-Semitic cartoon, put out by the Muslim Student Association.
The cartoon, which was copied and spread around campus, portrays Horowitz, a Jewish man, as a hooked-nose Nazi hiding in a trash can. What’s Going On At The Pentagon? - New English Review Hooked nose racist Arabs paint hooked noses? - Author Derided by Muslim Students [Association] in Anti Semitic Cartoon. Sep 10, 2008 MSA, MSU, Muslim Students Association’ = Hatred!
Mythical Nazi stereotypical hooked noses Vs. reality. Fact: Jews are a mixture, a religion, also an ethnicity and a culture.

Labels: Cartoons, Islamic antisemitism, Islamonazism
Sunday, April 01, 2012
Jihadi 'racial hatred': Forsane Alizza - Arab-Muslim Mohammed Merah: "Jewish school massacre"
Jihadi 'racial hatred':
Forsane Alizza - Mohammed Merah: French "Jewish school massacre." March 19, 2012
A racist[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10] Arab-Muslim murders a Rabbi and 3 children outside Jewish school in Toulouse, France. A clear hate crime.[11][12][13]
- He took aim at victims and chased some into schoolyard.[14]
- He shot at such close range that the gunfire burned the skin.[15] - The killer got off his motor bike to grab an eight-year-old girl and shoot her in the head. He picked her up -as she was bleeding- shot her in the head again, to make sure she died.[16] - He also filmed[17] his crimes for sick-kicks.[18]
Muslim fanatic... was so proud of his unspeakably evil work that he uploaded sickening video to the Internet showing him executing a helpless, terrified 8-year-old girl... Mohammed Merah is seen yanking Myriam Monsenego by her hair - then firing a bullet into her head while he holds her... Pure Evil: Mohammed Merah.[19]
- The sadistic Arab-Muslim felt 'endless pleasure' during school massacre... wished he could have killed more.[20] His 'Very proud' brother of Merah charged after explosives found in his car.[21] Abdelkader Merah: "I'm proud he executed those 3 kids."[22]
- The Arab Muslim, Mohammed Merah, was affiliated with 'al-Qaida' and (Sharia pusher[23]) 'Forsane Alizza.'[24] Dedicated to strict implementation of Sharia, to abolish demoratic regimes and replacing them with Islamic ones, and to 'restore the Caliphate.'[25]
According to Forsane Alizza, the return of the Caliph is the only way for the Muslim community to regain a safe living environment.[26]
WSJ explains: 'The Jihadist was no lone wolf.' He was practically a prince in violent extremist circles.[27]
'Forsane Alizza,' is an Islamic hate group inciting and training for terrorism, acting under a banner of "fighting Islamophobia." Banned in France -two months prior to the massacre-[28] for inciting racial hatred.[29]
In 2010, it invaded a McDonald's restaurant, shouting anti-Semitic slogans. [30] Two members of the radical Islamic group “Forsane Alizza” were convicted of 'inciting racial hatred' by a court.[31]
- It reminded French Jews, that they "live in constant fear of Arab attacks, and the government does nothing."[32]
- He said his only regret was not having been able to carry out his plans for more killings.[33]
- After a 32 hours siege, the 'racist serial killer'[34] al-Qaeda militant died in a hail of bullets... as he jumped out of an apartment window[35]
- A Facebook page, which bore a picture of the self-proclaimed Al-Qaeda militant and was titled "Homage to Mohamed Merah", was consulted by more than 500 people before it was removed just hours after it appeared,[36] French police had to disperse a Muslim march in his "honor,"[37] and Jihadist produced video glorifying Mohammed Merah.[38]
- His 'supportive' Arab-Islamic neighbourhood: 'he was one of our own, no matter what he did.'[39]
- Anti-Semitic Muslim fundamentalist[40], Muslim Brotherhood's buddy, Tariq Ramadan, trying to rationalize bigotry, propagated the racist Arab Merah as being a "victim." He was heavily criticized for pushing a fake Muslim victimhood.[41][42][43][44]
- (Some also suspect Iran's proxy Hezbollah aided[45], possibly even working in coordination with al-Qaida[46]).
- Murderer was motivated by propaganda and lies,[47][48] the fraud of [self-inflicted] Palestinian-Arab "suffering."[49]
He certainly was influenced by a general fraudelant "Palestinian" images (like al-Dura) and hype - atmosphere, with Euro media bias picking/backing it up.[50]
- It comes, a week after an inflammatory tweet by a "Palestinian' propagandist, a UN worker Khulood Badawi,[51][52][53] posting a bloodied image of an old accidental dead Arab child, tweeting it around as a supposed "Israel" recent deed. (Typical Pallywood[54]).
(It has been suggested[55], that Merah might have even see the tweet and inspired by it. Especially since he specifically talked about 'Palestinian children'[56]).
The terrible racist murder of schoolchildren in Toulouse has shocked France.[57]
- ^ Fiona Govan, "Toulouse shooter may have filmed attack to post on internet," Independent IE, March 21 2012,
- ^ AFP: France shootings siege: Live Report Mar 21, 2012,,,
- ^ "Toulouse shooting: Jewish groups call for action after 'anti semitic attack',, March 19, 2012,
- ^ Tom Goulding, "French 'racist serial killer' shot dead in police raid,', March 22, 2012,
- ^ "Mohammed Merah author of seven racist murders in France died," Mediapuzzlenews, March 23, 2012,
- ^ Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey Federation Newsletter Issue #31, March, 2012,
- ^ "Europe's blind spot on anti-Semitism." By Frida Ghitis, Special to CNN updated 9:30 AM EDT, Fri March 23, 2012,
- ^ "Toulouse and Paris march against racism," RFI, March 27, 2012,
- ^ Randa Takieddine, "Protecting secularism in France," Al Arabiya, 29 March 2012, They are Nazi-like crimes, characterized by violence and racism.
- ^ "Muslim leader, Palestinians condemn Jewish killings in France," Al Arabiya, 21 March 2012,
- ^ "Visiting terrorist websites is now illegal in France," GMA News, Mar 23, 2012,
- ^ "France criminalizes citizens who visit terrorist and hate Web sites," CNET, Mar 22, 2012,
- ^ "Hate Crime in Toulouse: The Guardian's Callous Disregard Towards Antisemitic Ideology." Algemeiner, Mar 23, 2012
- ^ "Forensics links 3 French motorbike attacks," CBS News, March 19, 2012, (CBS/AP),
- ^ "All French shooting victims shot in the head at close range, prosecutor says," NBC News, staff and news services, March 20, 2012,
- ^ "'Toulouse killer executed the little girl' Eye witness accounts of Toulouse school shooting reveal killer's savagery, state he carried out execution-style killing of 8-year-old Miriam Monsonego, shooting her repeatedly in order to confirm kill." Menachem Gantz, Ynet, March 20, 2012,,7340,L-4205221,00.html
- ^ "Al Jazeera says won't air French gunman film," By Catherine Bremer, March 27, 2012,
- ^ "Gun fiend filmed school bloodbath for sick kicks," TheSun,
- ^ "French terrorist recorded murders, including girl's execution, investigators say,", Last Updated: 3:29 PM, March 24, 2012 Posted: 2:15 AM, March 23, 2012,
- ^ "Merah felt 'endless pleasure' during school massacre," Ynetnews, March 25, 2012,,7340,L-4207446,00.html
- ^ Peter Allen, "Toulouse gunman Mohammed Merah's brother charged with 'complicity,'" Daily Mail, March 25, 2012,
- ^ "Mohammed Merah's brother: I'm proud he executed those 3 kids," The Sun, March 24, 2012,
- ^ islamistas - Francia proscribe un grupo islamista que reivindica la lucha armada, February 29, 2012,
- ^ "Police hunting a gunman suspected of killing seven people in southern France have surrounded a house in Toulouse." BBC, March 21 2012,
- ^ "Toulouse Shooter Ideologically Affiliated with Al-Qaeda," Memri, March 21, 2012, (Special Dispatch No.4593)
- ^ ICT - March 2012,
- ^ "France's Jihadist Shooter Was No Lone Wolf Mohamed Merah was practically a prince in violent extremist circles." By Jytte Klausen, WSJ, March 23, 2012
- ^ Scott Sayare, "France - Government Bans Domestic Islamist Group,", January 23, 2012,
- ^ Duncan Gardham, and Nick Squires, "Toulouse killer's brother 'may have met radicals in the UK'", Daily Telegraph, March 23 2012,
- ^ Paul Cruickshank and Tim Lister, 'French killings refocus fears on 'solo' acts of terror,' CNN, March 21, 2012, (pp. 2-3)
- ^ 09-2011 - CFCA - The Coordination Forum for Countering anti-Semitism,
- ^ "Boys Town Jerusalem students mourn their slain teacher," Canadian Jewish News, March 22, 2012 "They live in constant fear of Arab attacks, and the government does nothing."
- ^ "French police say gunman was planning more attacks," The Irish Times, March 21, 2012,
- ^ 'French "racist serial killer" shot dead in police raid,' Tom Goulding, Headlines Examiner, March 22, 2012,
- ^ "French shooter Mohamed Merah dies after jumping from window in a hail of bullets," Agence France-Presse, March 22, 2012, by Laurent Lozano, (National Post),
- ^ "Facebook removes page paying homage to Toulouse killer," France 24, March 23, 2012,
- ^ "French police stop march in memory of Toulouse killer, AGI, March 24, 2012,
- ^ "Jihadist Produces Video Glorifying Mohammed Merah," SITE Intelligence Group, March 26, 2012,
- ^ "In Toulouse suburb, 'scooter killer' is 'one of us,'" by Nicholas Vinocur for Reuters, March 30, 2012,
- ^ Philip Carmel, "Muslim fundamentalist hero of anti-global crowd, JTA November 30, 1999. 'An Islamic fundamentalist accused of anti-Semitism and suspected of links with Al-Qaida is the new star of Europe´s anti-globalization movement.' Glucksman said he was "less surprised that Tariq Ramadan is anti-Semitic than by the fact he has no trouble in admitting it."
- ^ Paul Sheehan, "It's wrong to make victim of child killer," Sydney Morning Herald, March 29, 2012,
- ^ Manfred Gerstenfeld, "Killer becomes a 'victim.'" - Op-ed: False notion of 'Muslim victimhood' raises its head in wake of Toulouse murders. Ynet, March 29, 2012,,7340,L-4209729,00.html
- ^ "Jihadism, Antisemitism and the truth about the Toulouse murders." Tzvi Fleischer and Sharyn Mittelman. AIJAC / ABC Religion and Ethics 30 Mar 2012.
- ^ "Muslim Brotherhood's buddy Tariq Ramadan sees "no" anti-Semitism in Mohamed Merah," The Reality Show, March 19, 2012,
- ^ "Victims of French Shooting to Be Buried in Israel," by Ian Deitch, Associated Press, March 19, 2012,
- ^ "Don't rule out Iran in the March 19 attack on a Jewish school in France," March 20, 2012,
- ^ "Toulouse Murder Suspect Was Motivated by Propaganda and Lies," by David Frum, TheDailyBeast, Mar 21, 2012,
- ^ Barry Rubin: "The True Perpetrators of The Antisemitic Attacks in Toulouse and Throughout the World," IsraelInsider, March 21, 2012,
- ^ "Islamic Arab racism manufacures fraud of Victimhood," LibertyNewsOnline, March 23, 2012,
- ^ "French terror suspect dead -- what are lessons of Toulouse?" By R. Abraham Cooper, March 22, 2012
- ^ "HR Comment: Time to End the Incitement Against Israel, HR, March 21, 2012,
- ^ "Israel Calls for U.N. Employee's Dismissal For Tweeting Misleading Photo of Dead Palestinian Child," TheBlaze, March 18, 2012, by Madeleine Morgenstern,
- ^ "More on a gaza top tweet lie the Khulood Badawi affair," mooseandsquirrel, March 21, 2012,
- ^ Pallywood,
- ^ "Did Mohammed Merah murder Jewish children because little over week earlier, on March 12, UN worker Khulood Badawi posted a photo of a bloodied child on @KhuloodBadawi?,"
- ^ The Jawa Report: UN Tweet Partly Responsible For Toulouse Massacre? March 21, 2012
- ^ Sunder Katwala, "Electorate Should Not Be Influenced by Toulouse," Huffington Post, March 22, 2012,
Labels: eura, Forsane Alizza, France, islamofascism, Mohamed Merah
Typical sick bloodthirsty "Palestinian" Arab-Islamists 'decry' al-Jazeera as being "pro-Zionist" refusing to air Arab M. Merah's clip
Typical sick bloodthirsty "Palestinian" Arab-Islamists 'decry' al-Jazeera as being "pro-Zionist" for refusing to air sadistic racist Arab M. Merah's clip where he executes little 8-year old Miriam Monsonego (on March 19, 2012).
Merah uploaded a sickening video to the Internet showing him executing a helpless, terrified 8-year-old girl... Mohammed Merah is seen yanking Myriam Monsenego by her hair - then firing a bullet into her head while he holds her... Pure Evil: Mohammed Merah.
Posted on 30 March 2012. NOVANEWS
Pro-Zionist Arab Network Al Jazeera said it would not broadcast video footage shot by Mohammed Merah during his attacks on soldiers and on a Jewish school in Toulouse.
"In accordance with Al Jazeera's code of ethics, given the video does not add any information that is not already in the public domain, its news channels will not be broadcasting any of its contents," the network said Tuesday.
Al Jazeera also said it was declining all requests from other media outlets for copies of the footage.
shoah[dot] org[dot]uk/2012/03/30/al-jazeera-pledges-not-to-broadcast-merah-footage/
It's a malicious website by "Palestinians" (cheerful happy to propagate with every graphic bloodied kid when terrorists use civilians) who are obsessed with bombastic ridiculous language [including borrowing unrelated WW2 terminology], especially hurting victims of the Holocaust (where 6,000,000 Jews/Hebrews/Israelites were slaughtered for no other "reason" than pertaining to a creed/origin) by laughable comparisons in exaggerating, lying about its [fraudulent] victimhood.
This blood cult is hurt by al-Jazeera banning the gruesome video of this Islamist's hate crime. I guess, meantime, they'll have to satisify their demonic thirst with 'beheading Daniel Pearl' and other jihadi "holy" Islamic hatred clips.
Tags: "palestinians", Al Jazeera, Arab racism, Arabs, fakestinians, Forsane Alizza, Islamic bigotry, Islamofascism, Islamonazis, Israel, Jews, Jihad, Miriam Monsonego, Mohamed Merah, Mohammed Merah, Muslims, PALLYWOOD, racial hatred, school massacre, terrorism, Toulouse Massacre
Labels: Mohamed Merah, Pallywood, Toulouse massacre
Monday, March 12, 2012
Obama - creep to Islamofascism - apologizes again
Obama - creep to Islamofascism, apologizes again
Obama: Rampage 'tragic and shocking'
The president vows anyone involved in the killing of 16 Afghan civilians will be held responsible.
I know that the Islamist-fascists mentality is to demand from the West to bow all the way, apologize almost till embarrassing tears, and even creeping lie to kiss their boots. Too bad, Obama and the like do go the destructive appeasement path, we have seen dozens massacred at the wake of his repeated apologies for an accidental burning of some book that Muslims consider as "holy."
All the while Afghans were on a rampage, (not merely offending us, but real raw crude Islamic holy crimes of murder) not one sincere loud apology came from the Islamic side.
What Obama is never taking into account is OUR feelings. What about Americans and other non-Muslims' feelings, where is their honor while he trashes everything on the way to his Islam-reveration? No we hear that a US soldier kills some Afghans, What does Obama do? You guessed it right, apologize again, what else does this week guy with total self-American respect ever know to do.
Tags: Afghanistan, appeasement, Barack Obama, creeping sharia, Indonesian madrassa, Islamofascism, jihad, crimes against humanity, Koran burning, Obama, Sharia
Labels: Obama
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Some of highlighted mass casualties by (radical) Islam in four decades - 1971-2011(updated Feb. 2012)
Some of highlighted mass casualties by (radical) Islam in four decades - 1971-2011 (updated Feb. 2012)
- 2,000-25,000 between Jordanians and "Palestinians" 1970 ('Black September').
[] - 3,000,000 - Bangladesh, 1971 (by Yahya Khan).
[] - 300,000 - Uganda (1971-1979 under Idi Amin).
[] - 20,000 - Syria (1982, Hama by H. al-Assad).
[] - Between 500,000 and 1,500,000 - Iran-Iraq war. (1980-1988)
[] - 10,000 - Iran (1988, massacre of political prisnoers).
Or 14,000
Or 30,000
[,5433430] - Over 100,000 - Algeria (between 1992 and 2002).
[] - Over 300,000 - Iraq (1979-2003) under Saddam Hussein.
[] - 300,000 - Lebanon 1970s-2000 by Syria and 'Palestinians'.
[] - 2,500,000 - Sudan, 1983-2005.
[] - 7,000 - Syria (2011-2012 by Syrian forces with Iranian and Hezbollah active participation).
Most Israeli casualties are innocent non-combatants. Most Arab "Palestinian" casualties are combatants and/or involved in violent attacks. Not to mention Arab-Islamic intentional routine in causing deaths on their side via human shields. Same goes to Hezbollah tactics.
In fact: IDF's unparalleled record of sparing civilians in counter-terrorism operations.
Of course, that's besides the last bloody decade of over 18,000 Islamic terror attacks since 9/11/2001.
Note: Baathist racist Arab tyrants like Saddam Hussein, used Islam and 'anti-infidel' ideology as well.
Tags: 1971, 1975, 1988, 1992, 2001, 2002, 911, Algeria, Arabs, Arafat, Bangladesh, crimes against huamanity, genocide, Halabja, Hamas, Hezbollah, History, human shields, Khomeini, Idi Amin, Iran, Iraq, Islamofascism, Israel, Jihad, Jordan, Kurds, Lebanon, mass graves, massacre, Muslims, Pakistan, Palestine, PLO, Radical Islam, Religion, religion of peace, rop, Saddam Hussein, Sudan, Syria, terrorism, uganda, UK, US, war on terror, West
Labels: History, islamofascism
Wednesday, February 08, 2012
A lesson in Arab/Muslim fascism: My 'Arabism' is "purer" than yours...
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Don't you love it when the Islamic lobby like CAIR keeps preaching about "islamophobia," ignoring the bastion of intolerance today, which is, in fact the Arab world. One such exmpale is Syria, where the Alawite "supremacists" rule all the other. [This is not to say that other Arab nations are tolerant. Take for example the plight of Chrisrians under Arab-Palestine, Copts in Egypt, indigenous Berbers in Morocco/Algeria/Tunisia/Libya; blacks all over the Arab world, Asians [practically slaves] in rich Arab countries, etc. Or the genocide in Sudan by Arab racists].
A lesson in Arab/Muslim fascism: My 'Arabism' is "purer" than yours...
Syria: the fascist "heart" of Arabism
This is from the official fascist Syrian Arab Republic, bragging to be the "heart" of Arabism, purifying syria from the 'others' [justifying it by calling the non-Alawites, the outlaws.]
Syrian Interior Minister: Security Forces to purify the Syrian land from all Outlaws
Day Press News - Jan 29, 2012
... such a great honor to offer sacrifices for Syria to remain strong and unbowed, '' adding that Damascus will always remain the beating heart of Arabism, ...
Yemeni opposition calls govt. to expel Syrian ambassador
Februeary 5, 2012
The people in Syria are being subjected to genocide by the Al-Asad fascist Syrian regime and the world has to take immediate responsibility for the ...
Continue reading on Syria’s Bashar al-Assad’s National Massacre - Los Angeles City Buzz
Massacring regime protesters around the country, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad walks a fine line between fascism and genocide.
As Iraq crumbles, Washington turns its sights on Syria - News - Stripes
Apr 11, 2003
In a recent speech, former CIA director James Woolsey called Syria’s “fascist” regime an enemy of the United States. American Enterprise Institute scholar Michael Ledeen wrote that “It’s time to bring down the other terror masters,” a reference to Syria and Iran.
Since Iran/Hezbollah are actively incvloved in the crimes against humanity in Syria...
Lebanese and Syrian protesters burn a Hezbollah flag during a protest in solidarity with Syria's anti-government protesters, in the port city of Tripoli, northern Lebanon January 27, 2012.
Last but not least, asides from the other totaltiarian regime in the area, Islamic Iran and its Hezbollah of Lebanon, the main backer of Syrian dictatorship is the SSNP:
SSNP adopted the styles of Fascism: Saada was known as al-za'im (the Führer) and the party anthem was "Syria, Syria, über alles" sung to the same tune as the German national anthem.
Tags: Ahmadinejad, Al Manar, Arab racism, Arab spring, Arabism, Assad, Baath, Christian winter, fascism, Hezbollah, Iran, Islamism, Islamofascism, Lebanon, Muslims, Nasrallah, non Arabs, pan Arabism, racism, SSNP, Syria
Labels: Hezbollah, Iran, islamofascism, SSNP, Syria