Sunday, August 31, 2008
What if it was not Islamo Arab [oil] lobby that sucks you to the bone and controls all international bodies?
We wouldn't have been sending so many billions (in gas money) to those that hate us (no matter what we do).
The UN would finally start doing something, stopping the Arab genocide in the Sudan for starters...
The UN would have less bigoted anti-Israel obsessive "condemnations".
US & EU could breath a little...
Europe could even get a hold on securing its borders... and think for themselves in mid-east policies (need worry no more about the threat from the 'Arab market').
Anti American bashing wouldn't be a "fashionable" feature.
War on terror would be easier.
Oppressive totalitarian Islamic Republic of Iran wouldn't get their ultimate weapon to destroy the world.
Daring free voices would come out and Islamic militants' crimes against humanity wouldn't be "justified" as "victim-hood".
Technorati - 'palestinian' terrorism 'palestinians' Israel 'palestinian' Apartheid Zionism Anti Israel bigotry Islamic Apartheid War on terror Terror victims 'palestinian' propaganda jihad Genocide bombing Anti Israel bias Arab racism Jews IDF Anti Israel racism Islamofacsism Conflict Israel "Palestine" "Palestinians" Israelis Civilwar Arabs MuslimsJihad Terrorism Fatah non-Muslims Christians Hamas Gaza Terrorism Jerusalem Muslims