Friday, August 08, 2008


The truth about Islamofascism

The truth about

Coffee break: Kanchan

Although the immediate context of his argument was far
removed from events in India, well-known Arab journalist Abd al-Rahman
al-Rashid, in an article he penned four years ago, ripped the veil off the
Muslim cult of denial, which is so adroitly preached by the clergy and
naïvely practised by the ghetto, that the ummah and its faith
have nothing to do with terrorism; that all talk of Islamist terror or
jihad is no more than fiction propagated by Zionists and their
patrons in the Christian West. "It is certainly true that not all Muslims
are terrorists," he wrote, "however, the majority of terrorists in the
world are Muslims." To drive home his point, Abd al-Rahman al-Rashid gave
several contemporary examples: The men who held children hostage in Beslan
were Muslims; the kidnappers who killed the Nepalese chefs and labourers
in Iraq were Muslims; those who perpetrate acts of rape and murder in
Darfur are Muslims...". And then, with a flourish he added, "Osama bin
Laden is a Muslim and most of those who carried out suicide attacks
against buses, schools, houses, buildings all over the world in the past
10 years also were Muslims. What a terrible record -- doesn't that say
something to us about ourselves, our societies and our

It's no doubt a harsh
indictment, but it's not devoid of truth. Yet, every time there's a
terrorist strike and innocent people are killed, the instinctive response
we get to see and hear is one of denial. What's the proof that Muslims
planted the bombs in Jaipur? What's the evidence to blame Muslims for the
bombings in Bangalore? What's there to suggest that Muslims planned and
executed last weekend's bloodbath in Ahmedabad and botched up the plot to
blow up Surat? These and other related questions make up the
ummah's refrain even as parents wail for their dead children,
widows grieve for their dead husbands, and those who have been maimed and
disfigured for the rest of their lives wonder whether it is really worth
staying alive. As if to clinch their argument absolving their
co-religionists of any blame for the ghastly bloodletting that has become
common occurrence under the UPA Government's watch, defenders of the faith
triumphantly ask: Would Muslims kill fellow Muslims?

Yes, they would. Look at
the slaughter in Iraq where more Muslims have been killed by fellow
Muslims than by the invading forces led by the US Army. Look at the ease
with which Muslim lives are laid to waste every day in Afghanistan by the
blood-thirsty Taliban. Recall how a mentally challenged teenaged
Palestinian boy was strapped with explosives by Hamas terrorists and then
told to walk up to an Israeli checkpost and blow himself up by pulling the
cord on the belt. The boy panicked as he approached the checkpost: He
couldn't remember the instructions and began to cry pitifully; the Israeli
soldiers asked him to stand still and used robots to disarm him and defuse
the beltbomb he was wearing. Recall also how a Muslim woman strapped her
daughter, no more than a toddler, with explosives and asked her to go take
chocolate from an American soldier who, while patrolling the
neighbourhood, would handout goodies to Iraqi children every day. As the
child reached for a Mars bar with her grubby hands, her mother, hiding in
a doorway, pushed the button on the remote control. It is, therefore, not
surprising that many of the victims of last Saturday's outrage in
Ahmedabad were Muslims, among them children. For the perpetrators of the
crime, they are no more than collateral damage; like Mr Donald Rumsfeld,
they would shrug their shoulders and say, "Stuff

Last week, this newspaper
carried an article penned by Ms Hazel Blears, Britain's Secretary of State
for Communities and Local Government, eulogising multiculturalism and how
it has benefited her country. While British politicians with an eye to the
immigrant community vote-bank are expected to trot out frothy stuff on
multiculturalism, the fact of the matter is that it hasn't really worked
to Britain's advantage. Ms Ruth Kelly's assessment, that it has failed
miserably, or Sir Vidia's dismissive comment -- " What do they call it?
Multi-culti... It's all absurd, you know." -- is more accurate. For
evidence, look at the findings of a new YouGov poll, conducted in 12
British universities on behalf of the Centre for Social Cohesion and
published as 'Islam on Campus'.

A report based on the
findings of the poll, and forwarded to me by a reader of this column,
says, "If ignorance and poverty are responsible for the growth of
extremist views in the Islamic world, someone needs to ask Muslim
students, privileged enough and bright enough to attend some of the United
Kingdom's best universities, why one-in-three of them endorses killing in
the name of Islam." Among the poll's findings of Muslim beliefs are some
revealing facts:

40 per cent want
shari'ah in Britain for Muslims;

33 per cent favour a
worldwide Islamic caliphate;

24 per cent think men
and women are not equal;

32 per cent believe
killing in the name of religion is justified;

33 per cent don't
think Islam is compatible with democracy.

The reason for this
digression is not to provide an insight into the warped mindset of those
who believe 'Islam is the solution' -- much as Adolf Hitler thought he had
found the 'final solution' to rid the world of Jews and Iran's President
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad thinks god has willed him to complete Hitler's
unfinished task -- but to highlight the danger posed by those who see
nothing wrong with the fringe increasingly occupying the centre. The
lib-left intelligentsia, whose criminal disregard of facts and aggressive
peddling of fiction often persuades ill-informed and ill-intentioned
journalists to suppress the truth, wants society to be tolerant of
Islamofascism; to indulge the Muslim cult of denial; and, to gloss over
incidents like serial bombings and suicide attacks. Those who refuse to do
so are accused of Islamophobia.

Meanwhile, I wonder if the Prime Minister spent a
sleepless night on Friday after reading about 12-year-old Rohan's death in
the morning newspapers. Rohan had suffered 70 per cent burns in last
Saturday's bombing of Ahmedabad's Civil Hospital, in which his father and
the family's sole bread-earner, Dushyant Vyas, was killed. Rohan's younger
brother, nine-year-old Yash, has suffered 50 per cent burns and is
battling for his life. Rohan's mother, Geetaben, is inconsolable, and
understandably so: Her life now lies in tatters, her dreams have been
shattered. Since public memory is notoriously short, it would be in order
to remind readers that the Prime Minister had spent sleepless nights
worrying about a certain Mohammed Haneef, accused of terrorist links, and
the 'plight' of his parents.

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