Friday, April 21, 2006


What Palestinians Deliberately Did to 68 Innocent Men, Women and Children

What Palestinians Deliberately Did to 68 Innocent Men, Women and Children





And children.

Peacefully visiting a restaurant.

When suddenly --






Pieces of human flesh.

Grievous wounds.




Watching her son writhe in agony.

Watching their mother die.


It wasn't --

An accident.

It wasn't

A natural disaster.

It wasn't --

Civilians caught in the soldiers' line of fire.

It was --




And so --

At least 8 are dead and 60 injured due to a Palestinian terrorist homicide bombing Monday in Tel Aviv.

If you don't live inside of Israel or have any ties there, it's easy to let these homicide bombings pass through your consciousness and slip away in a matter of days.

Don't let that happen this time.

This time, take a moment to remember that the victims are real. They are men, women and children whose lives and health and futures and loved ones were deliberately torn from them for no reason.

Brutally Honest has an important reminder about just how evil these attacks are. You need to know that these are not just bombs. They are bombs filled with shrapnel soaked in rat poison to cause hemmorhaging.

It is like standing in a crowd of innocent men, women and children and shooting bullets in every direction -- but worse, since the "bullets" are coated in poison.

Next time you hear someone fault Israel for not giving even more land or more concessions to its Palestinian tormentors, remember this. Remember that Israel's tormenters are unspeakably evil.

In the fathomless depths of evil in which Palestinians live, the only "crime" is that one of their own condemned the attack. From Haaretz:

Palestinian militant groups demanded an apology Tuesday from Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas for condemning Monday's deadly suicide bombing in Tel Aviv, in their harshest criticism yet of the moderate leader over his stand on violence.

The criticism, including from armed groups within Abbas' own Fatah party, underscored a growing debate among Palestinians over the use of violence against Israel.

"We ask President Abbas to apologize to the entire Palestinian people because of the offense he committed," the groups said in a joint statement by a coalition of militants read by a masked gunman at an open-air news conference in Gaza.

Abbas said Monday that the attack, which killed nine people, ran counter to Palestinian interests. But he used stronger wording than usual, describing the attack as "despicable."

Abbas is in the political minority now that Hamas controls the Palestinian authority. Here is what most Palestinians are doing right now: celebrating the mass murder of innocents. In Gaza, Islamic Jihad militants handed out pastries on the streets in celebration of this mass murder bombing attack.

And Palestinians are planning many more such mass murder attacks against innocent men, women and children:

The Islamic Jihad movement, hailing its Monday suicide bombing that killed nine people and wounded scores in Tel Aviv, has warned that has an army of 70 suicide bombers who plan to blow themselves up in Israel.

The "martyrdom operation" was "the first fruit of a recently formed unit of bombers, which includes 70 male and female bombers," Islamic Jihad spokesman Abu Ahmed told reporters in Gaza hours after the attack.

He slammed Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas for condemning the suicide attack in Tel Aviv and praised the new Palestinian government led by the militant Hamas movement, which condoned it.

"This is a legitimate attack by all the international laws and conventions, as well as religious rules, and no one can condemn this act of resistance," he said.

Let's review that again:

A "legitimate" attack?

By "all the international laws and conventions"?

Which ones, pray tell?

. . . "as well as religous rules"?

Not unless the "religious rules" were written by the devil himself.

And perhaps they were.



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