Monday, April 17, 2006


palestinian Arab Muslim bastards need more money, they can't go on... Murdering!
- video
Palestinians: Deadly Tel Aviv bombing legitimate...

These bastards, oh you mean "extremists"?
Nah, I mean 69% of palestinian Arab Muslims that back the genocide, not only the Hamas coward leaders-butchers.

Give the palestinian bastards (I mean 69% of them...) more money, please urgent appeal, the death cult just yearns for bloodshed, the most evil "society" on earth that is ever more thirsty for more blood of the innocent, they just can't wait.

When these animalistic creatures will eventually run down the streets (no, not the radicals, the ordinary "peace" loving Palestinians) and celebrate another: successful massacre (of a fast food eaters), just remember it's the same type of "people" that danced towards 9/11 victims of Jihad, oh of course that was also just an "isolated" incident...

Tomorrow, business is as usual: The 'Palestinians' have issues, they need more land grabbing, they "suffer so much 'injustice' at the hands of Israeli security that dares to check them out & prevent another massacre", oh these lowlife fake victims.

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