Saturday, April 15, 2006
More on Islamofacsism in Africa
Problems? Yes, Libya, Saudi Arabia, and Persian Gulf monarchies are pouring money into Africa for Islamic conversions. "The investment is huge," and there is an upsurge in fundamentalist mosques and schools. Two proselytizing faiths compete, creating "a dangerous cocktail." The "born again" there support the U.S. because they think we are fighting their wars against Islam. The greatest attraction of the Pentecostals is the "community fostered in congregations," which is matched by similar community appeal among Muslims. Pentecostal converts are also attracted to a "miracle-working God." They watch Pat Robertson and other televangelists offering so much spiritual and material gain and they think some of the latter will be theirs. Ssempa says, "99% of our support comes from the U.S."
Uganda's Christians remember the horrible dictatorship of Idi Amin and identify his violent style with Islam everywhere. Sectarian violence, not yet overt in Uganda, spreads elsewhere and threatens there. In Kaduna, Nigeria, such sectarian war led to 1,000 deaths in 2000, and 200 deaths in recent riots. In Africa, "where there is too much poverty and too many guns, tensions quickly turn lethal." Christians and Muslims accuse each other as each conflict escalates. Voices of growth are strong. Voices of conciliation are weak and few.
In the 1970s, under the dictatorship of Idi Amin, a Muslim, many of Uganda's Christians were persecuted and thousands fled the country. ...,1249,635194613,00.html Uganda: New Conflict over Muslim
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Da Chronic Blog: Muslims Burn Christians Alive: Nigeria - The Post ...Cartoons. Then blood. Sticks. Then blood. Machetes. Then blood. Iron bars. Then blood. Torches. Then blood. Muslims torched church buildings. Christians ...
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Nigeria Christian / Muslim Conflict.
Nigeria: Islam and the Sharia
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ABC News: At Least 15 Die in Nigeria Cartoon ProtestMAIDUGURI, Nigeria Feb 18, 2006 (AP)— Nigerian Muslims protesting caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad attacked Christians and burned churches on Saturday, ...
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Nigerian Muslims Murder Christians Over CartoonsShow me a *single* example of Nigerian Christians attacking Muslims because of ... No, Nigerian Christians haven't attacked Nigerian Muslim because of ...
Nigerian Muslims Slaughter Christians, Torch 11 Churches Update: (Tuesday AM) The Christians are now attacking Muslims in southern Nigeria. ...
Nigerian Christians Mob MuslimsNigerian Christians Mob Muslims. Wires Thursday, Feb. ... The cartoons that reignited Muslim-Christian tension in Nigeria were the object of ...
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