Sunday, April 16, 2006
Iran's Hezbollah (Party of Allah) at ("sectarian") Arab Muslim on Arab Muslim crimes in Iraq
Wonder what happened to the "blaming the Zionists".
Hezbollah Links Plot to Clashes in Iraq
I could care less even if they are Lebanese Christians avenging Hariri's death from totalitarian Hezbollah & their Syrian tyrant buddies.
Getting back to their own theory, Hmm, Does this mean -- alternatively -- that the Hezbollah IS involved in killing of Sunnis in Iraq?
[Quick reminder, most of the dreadful Islamic crimes of 9/11 "conspiracy theories" originated at the Hezbollah terror Jihadi network]
We in the west of course will keep playing dumb as if we don't have a clue about the 90% foreign influence on the bloody mess in Iraq by Arab Muslim "cute" brothers that just came to kill brothers & sisters out of "love".
Allah u Akbar.