Tuesday, April 25, 2006


At What Point is Islam Deemed Treason?

At What Point is Islam Deemed Treason? By Pete Fisher (04/25/2006)

I wonder what has happened to common sense in this country. Treason is treason, no matter who commits it and should be treated as such when the acts of individuals or groups call for it.
The Investigative Project on terrorism ( IPT ) reports that the Queens New York based Islamic Thinkers Society held a rally outside of the Israeli consulate last week in response to the recent Tel Aviv bombings.

Identified by Kilafah flags they are also noted for their nasty remarks about Jews, Christians, homosexuals, Israel, Danes and anyone else that has shown contempt for Islamic actions around the globe. However, this rally sparked something in me that really stuck in my craw, and should for every American. They held signs that said “Islam will dominate” with pictures of the Islamic flag hanging over the White House.

Plain and simple, this is treason. Any group calling for the domination of the nation where they reside in should be high treason. These people should be arrested, the group dismantled and outlawed, and the individuals sent to prison.

I took these quotes from the Counter Terrorism Blog (Islamic Quotes) to show the mentality of Muslims living here in America and other free nations.

They claim they refuse to accept the U.N., they told the FBI and CIA to burn in Hell, they told Homeland Security to burn in Hell.

They also claimed that a mushroom cloud was on the way. This in itself should be enough to put these idiots up on charges. They claim they will follow no one but Allah and refuse to accept the USA as any authority to be acknowledged. They claim Islam will dominate the world. Yet so called peaceful Muslims continue to tell us that Islam has no agenda to dominate, that it is simply a myth told by those of us who do not understand Islam. It sounds strikingly familiar to those who have heard there was never a Holocaust.

Yet here are Muslims making these claims, not non-Mohammedans. In our country, abusing our freedom of speech, and committing treason. Why aren't these terrorists arrested? They have made the threats; they have made known their agenda. A man making smaller threats to any woman in a bar can be arrested faster and prosecuted. Yet these buffoons threaten not only our nation, but Israel as well. This same week bombs exploded in Egypt, a woman feigning pregnancy committed suicide in Sri Lanka, two video tapes from Al Qaida arrive calling for destruction and death through means of cowardice and terror.

How long will we abide by these terror minded cowards living among us? And how can we tell the difference? We do not see mosques making great strides to screen and turn these people in. This is treason pure and simple and we as Americans should demand our government to take action against them. As each month passes we see Muslims becoming more and more vocal against lands which they moved into. And once the governments allow these people some latitude they pull ignorant and dangerous stunts such as making horrid threats and refusal to obey the laws while praising their god up and down the street. And still, we see no sign of objection from other Muslims living here. Because when the rubber meets the road, as these traitors claimed, they serve only Islam and Allah and care less about the rest of mankind or authority.

Send letters to your Senators and Representatives to begin losing the PC image and begin fighting back with the support of the American people behind them. We need to oust groups such as this, even if it comes to banishing Islam altogether, as Islam bans other religions. Draw the line in the sand, set the borders, and if they refuse to abide by our laws and our religions, if they cannot stand to see our beautiful women in bikinis and stomach the smell of pork cooking on our grills without having thoughts of killing and rape, than they need to go.

If they stay and call for violence and jihad against the government and peoples of those nations, they need to be treated as traitors and sent to prison where no special rights are given to them. No toilets facing Allah as they screamed for in Gitmo, no special diets.

Just the same old prison we would all get for committing treason. Because the longer we abide with these terror minded groups and religions, the faster we will indeed see a mushroom cloud. And mushroom clouds beget mushroom clouds.

Maybe if our government shared the fact that Mecca and Medina would be the next target should our nation be attacked by Islam, they would think twice about becoming a martyr for their cult.
It will be pretty hard to enjoy a life with 72 virgins looking like a wad of gum left on the grill too long.

Good article, and thanks for the comments a while back. =)
I think that the extra caution of not arresting the mullahs for fear of an "uprising" is false, in fact, (since they know our fear...) it is they who are the ones that deviously play on us and abuse our softness.
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