Saturday, April 15, 2006


1933 massacre of an entire village of Christian Assyrians

The history of Muslim charity is replete with instances similar to the July 1933 massacre of an entire village of Christian Assyrians by Iraqi troops and armed Kurdish tribesmen. In the name of Allah, hundreds of helpless Assyrian Christians were slaughtered on August 11 of that year. Upon their return to Baghdad, the Muslim murderers were greeted by a cheering Muslim populace that showered the troops with rose water and flowers as a tribute to the slaughter of Christians.
The door is always open for the greater Muslim world to lay down their false sense of jingoism and learn to go along to get along. Any adult with the slightest cognizance knows that there is no anti-Muslim agenda intertwined in U.S. foreign policy. And any adult with an I.Q. equal to room temperature knows that Guantánamo has nothing to do with Muslims and everything to do with primal terrorists. Or, are we really dealing with children who go around arresting Christians, murdering Americans, blowing up Buddhism, beheading civilians and then...point their dirty little fingers and say “He did it”.

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